BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

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Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Bid Dispute Resolution AdvantagesDispute resolution processes may prove to be faster and more cost efficient than the traditional legal process.Certain processes can provide the involved parties with greater involvement in reaching a solution, as well asmore control over the outcome of the dispute. Structuring Bid Dispute Resolution ProcessDispute resolution processes are not mutually exclusive. To resolve certain disputes, a number of differentresolution approaches may be used in sequence. An example of such sequence is presented below.NOTICE OFDISPUTECONDUCTNEGOTIATIONNEGOTIATIONSUCCESSFUL?YESNOPARTIESAGREE TOMEDIATION ?YESCONDUCTMEDIATIONMEDIATIONSUCCESSFUL?YESEND OF PROCESSNoYESNOPARTIESAGREE TOARBITRATION ?YESCONDUCTARBITRATIONARBITRATIONSUCCESSFUL?NOLITIGATIONNOPage 38

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