BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

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CommentsContract A sets out the deliverable requirements, evaluation criteria and reserved rights of the Organization,determined in accordance with business and legal requirements, the <strong>Directive</strong> and applicable trade agreements.Typically, Contract A requires the supplier to enter into Contract B and sign the attached form of the Contract B.Terms of Contract B may be set as negotiable or non-negotiable within the RFP.Organizations should keep the negotiable terms at a minimum level to ensure fairness, transparency andaccountability. Terms that are essential or mandatory to the agreement should not be subject to negotiation. Ina typical RFP, most or all terms of Contract B should be non-negotiable.11.2.3. RFSQProcess ApplicabilityAn RFSQ is used to gather information about supplier capabilities and qualifications, with the intention ofcreating a pre-qualified supplier list or a VOR arrangement. An RFSQ is the first stage in a two-stage selectionprocess. The second stage consists of issuing an RFP, RFT or RFQ to the pre-qualified suppliers or vendors ofrecord.Process StepsSTAGE 11. Purchase Need Identified: to determine core procurement process to initiate;2. Planning: to define procurement scope and assemble an evaluation team;3. Requirements: to define procurement scope and specifications, as well as determine evaluation criteria forsuppliers to be placed on the pre-qualified supplier list or VOR list;4. Create/Issue RFSQ Document: to complete, approve and post a competitive document;5. Blackout Period and Bid Receipt: to ensure fair treatment of all proponents;6. Evaluation: to determine qualified suppliers based on evaluation criteria;7. Agreement: obtain contract signatures and enter into contract with suppliers and create pre-qualifiedsupplier list or VOR arrangement;8. Award Notification: to notify all participants that a VOR list was selected; and9. Supplier Debriefing: to accommodate all suppliers requesting a debriefing session.STAGE 21. Create/ Issue second-stage competitive procurement documents (RFT/RFQ or RFP) – see Sections 11.2.1 and11.2.2.Comments<strong>Directive</strong> Mandatory Requirement #5 requires Organizations to specify in an RFSQ that there is no guaranteethat work will be awarded to any supplier who responds to an RFSQ. It is important to specify the selectionprocess in an RFSQ to ensure that the rules are clear to suppliers submitting responses.Page 42

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