Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

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“Learning Does Not End with Graduation”Remarks of H.E. Hunaina Al-Mughairy,Ambassador to the United States from theSultanate of OmanCollege of Nursing Convocation | May 19It is a great honor and pleasure to be here with you today onthis very special morning. Congratulations to each and everyone of you—you have earned a distinctive credential….Of course, as individuals, your graduation today marks anew chapter in your lives. It also marks a greater likelihoodthat because of you, somebody in this world will endure illnesswith less pain, less loneliness and less fear.I know for many of you this day has been a long time inthe making.Although my own day was many years ago, I still rememberthat graduation day can be a volatile mixture of overwhelmingemotions, obligations, enthusiasm, worry and of courseexcitement.To tell you the truth, the road out there is not alwayssmooth. There will be many obstacles along the way. Everyday you will face challenges that you have never encounteredbefore. But you should always remember that no matter howdifficult an obstacle might seem, it can be overcome by strongwill, determination and motivation.Everyone will tell you learning does not end with graduation.You will find yourself learning new things every day. Asyou are learning, you will certainly make mistakes. And that’sfine, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but you should knowthat it is very, very important to learn from your mistakes.The world is full of opportunities, different opportunitiesfrom those I had, and definitely different from those my parentshad. You have to seize these opportunities because sometimesyou don’t get another chance.You have to believe that you deserve the best. You haveto believe that the bar can be higher and you can indeedascend the heights. Believing you can do it is the most criticalstep in accomplishing your goals. When you set yourselfwith high goals and aspiration, you can achieve anything.If you believe in your dreams and believe in yourself, you canaspire to heights that you never thought possible. I standhere before you as an example of a woman who has becomethe first female ambassador from an Arab country to theUnited States. I am here to tell you it is possible.As you go about your daily tasks, as a nurse, gather strengthfrom knowledge that you are helping a person thwart illness,and therefore you are helping that person to live a healthier,happier and more productive life.And keep in mind that, while your day-to-day tasks helpan individual, a nurse’s career, on a larger scale, is one spenthelping the whole of humanity to endure the pressure ofAt Convocation, Omani students who would becomeNursing graduates the following day applaud the remarksof their country’s ambassador to the United States.disease and injury. It is an honorable and worthy endeavor,even on days when you face many challenges and frustrations.As a nurse, you will play a unique role in the delivery ofhealth services. You will bear the responsibility of bringinghealth care to communities. But remember that your role asa nurse does not end at your local community. We shouldalways have a vision beyond our community, as our world hasbecome one big village. As you well know, the causes andeffects of many health problems are increasingly global innature. Many infectious, environmental and behavioralhealth problems can have major implications not only locallybut also across borders. Therefore, addressing global healthissues is very important. You as nurses and as leaders in yourfield should be actively involved in sharing knowledge ofeffective strategies in global health improvement. Therefore,international cooperation in addressing global health issues isvery significant….Over the years, Oman through the Ministry of Health and<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> have forged a special mutual relationship.For years Omani nursing students have been coming to<strong>Villanova</strong>. Today there are more than 100 <strong>Villanova</strong> Nursingalumni in Oman, holding various health-care positions andcontributing greatly to their communities. I believe that ourcollaboration with <strong>Villanova</strong> will grow even stronger. Pleaselet me take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks andappreciation to Dean Fitzpatrick, who has been instrumentalin establishing this beneficial relationship.Now, let’s celebrate your success today. Go forth withconfidence; believe in yourself and believe in your missionand believe that you will achieve your goals.I wish you the very best in your careers and in life.Congratulations, Class of <strong>2007</strong>. You did it.`Summer <strong>2007</strong> 21

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