Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

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And of course, they feel relaxed because everything is availableto them [to meet their needs] at <strong>Villanova</strong>. I was just talkingwith a group of Omani students who will be coming to <strong>Villanova</strong>in about a month. The program coordinator said, “We can fulfillwhatever their needs—whatever their requirements are.” For thestudents, this is a step forward. It makes it easy for them to concentrateon their studies because they feel comfortable. Therefore,it is very important for them to feel comfortable even beforethey begin their studies.Q: What kind of impact do you think the graduatingNursing students from Oman will have on the future ofhealth care in Oman?A: [In 2000] Oman was rated as one of the best countries inhealth-care delivery. We are a country that [a few decades ago] hadonly one hospital, and that was run by American missionaries. Thecountry now has a number of hospitals, a number of clinics. It hasnot been easy—and it is not easy educating people to go to theclinics before they [have serious problems] for which they arereferred to the main hospitals. We really have come a long waybecause of the education of our students who come back to thecountry, but it is still difficult.Q: What message would you share with the nurses asthey graduate and get ready to return to Oman?A: My message to the girls is, as I said this morning in myspeech, I’m the first Arab woman ambassador, and they shouldaim to reach their highest goals. They can do it. They have toset a good example so that others can come here and achievewhat they have achieved. They can do it, you know. There isno glass ceiling. It is possible to each the highest goal if youhave ambition and aim for the highest. Definitely with theleadership that we have today, there is no impractical goal forwomen. Whatever opportunities are there for men, they alsoare there for the girls.Q: How has the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreementhelped nursing education?A: President [George W.] Bush signed the Free TradeAgreement in 2006, but there are a few things that we have torecognize before it can go into full implementation. But theFree Trade Agreement definitely is going to open up the country....From the perspective of pharmaceuticals, health care,etc., it will be a benefit because it will open trade for us.Q: What else would you like to convey to thegraduates?A: I would tell our students and ladies that I’m very proudof them. <strong>Commencement</strong> means the beginning. This is thebeginning of their lives. And the students are completely different.They come from different areas of Oman, different cultures.But they should take back to Oman from here all of thegood memories that they’ve had, what they’ve learned here,and educate our people. But at the same time, they have towork hard. This is just the beginning. It is not the end.`Nursing HonorsOutstanding StudentsFor their excellence in the classroom andclinical setting, the following individuals werecommended by the College of Nursing at itsMay 19 Convocation.College of Nursing Medallion forDistinguished Academic AchievementMaureen D. Wilcox ’07 Nur.Teresa A. Holman ’06 M.S.N.Stacy Rodes Meyers ’06 M.S.N.Joseph Petro and Helen Yura-Petro Awardfor Achievement in Nursing TheoryJennetta A. Jackson ’07 Nur.Dean’s Award for Service to the CollegeShelley L. Hickey ’07 M.S.N.The Hazel Johnson Leadership AwardJaclyn K. “Jacy” Farwell ’07 Nur.Claire M. Manfredi Graduate NursingLeadership AwardSusan M. Berryman ’07 M.S.N.(She also gave the student address at Convocation.)H. Elaine McCaully Award for Clinical ExcellenceMeghan C. Murphy ’07 Nur.The Reverend Francis X.N.McGuire, O.S.A. Award ofthe <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Alumni AssociationJonathan A. Messing ’07 Nur.Nursing Pioneer AwardLauren A. Chapnick ’07 Nur.Ralston Center Awardfor Gerontology NursingExcellenceEvelyn Sheaffer ’06 Nur.Special RecognitionJokha Al-Harthy ’07 Nur.Dr. M. LouiseFitzpatrick, ConnellyEndowed Dean andProfessor, presentedthe Dean’s Award forService to the Collegeto Shelly L. Hickey ’07M.S.N.Summer <strong>2007</strong> 23

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