Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

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it would take. They responded that it wouldtake $40,000 and six months.“Well then, you better get to it, I toldthem,” Nobel said. He championed theidea of returning responsibility to where itbelongs and reminded the audience thatthe best integrity is a “fierce integrity.”Doorley, who chaired the Praxis Awardselection committee, said that Nobel’sprofessional achievements over a lifetimeand his contributions to professional ethicsmade him an ideal candidate for thisnew award.“He started early, making daring initiativesand challenging the common corporatepractices of the day, particularly inthe area of conflict of interest rules,”Doorley said.A Philadelphia native, Nobel servedas ECRI’s president until 2001 and nowdevelops its initiatives in the Middle Eastand Asia.With Nobel’s background setting thebar high for this new award, both Doorleyand Mary C. Quilter, administrative assistantfor the Ethics Program, remindedthose attending of the deadline for nominations.“Anyone can nominate: faculty,staff or students,” Doorley added (visitwww.ethics.villanova.edu/praxis_nomin.html). For more information on the ECRIInstitute, visit www.ecri.org.Estrogen PollutionStudy Earns a FirstPlace for Doctoral StudentBY IRENE BURGOOne growing threat to Pennsylvania’senvironment is the presenceof “gender-bending” femininehormones that disrupt the abilityof fish to reproduce. Gangadhar Andaluri’sposter presentation on this emergingpollutant brought him a first-placeaward at the April 27 annual meeting ofthe Hudson-Delaware Chapter of theSociety of Environmental Toxicologyand Chemistry (SETAC).Andaluri is a first-year doctoral studentat <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> who conductshis research in the <strong>Villanova</strong> Center forthe Environment (VCE). The center isnationally and internationally recognizedfor its research in emerging contaminants(potential pollutants that have not beenwidely studied) and their treatment.SETAC is a scientific nonprofit organizationof about 4,000 members. The chapter’smembers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey,Delaware and southeastern New Yorkare environmental scientists, engineersand professionals in related disciplines.The SETAC judges noted that Andaluripresented new knowledge aboutthese emerging contaminants. Thejudges praised the quality of the scienceand the clear presentation, which linkedresults to managerial aspects.Andaluri’s topic was “The Occurrenceof Estrogens in Solid Wastes and theirLeaching Properties.” Many scientistshave reported on the presence of pharmaceuticallyactive compounds (PACs) inthe environment. Due to the adverseeffects of PACs, they are of growing concern,especially in Pennsylvania and thesurrounding region, where there are manypharmaceutical companies, farms andpopulation concentrations.Estrogen hormones are an importantcategory of PACs. They are naturallyproduced in the body and also are syntheticallycreated for medical use and arewidely used as growth promoters in livestock.Andaluri’s experiments point to thedegree to which these hormones find theirway into both surface and groundwaterGreeks Join in Philadelphia WalkAgainst HungerBY ANTHONY MAALOUF ’08 G.S.On April 14, 250 <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>fraternity and sororitymembers gathered at the PhiladelphiaMuseum of Art to participate inthe 11th annual Philadelphia Walkagainst Hunger. <strong>Villanova</strong>’s participationin the Saturday morning fundraiser wassponsored by the Office of Fraternity andSorority Life, the Pan-Hellenic and InterfraternityCouncils, the Center for Peaceand Justice Education, Athletics, MusicActivities, Bread for the World, CampusMinistry and Rays of Sunshine.The six-mile walk began on the EakinsOval just opposite the museum’s steps. The3,500 participants walked the loop alongWest River Drive and completed their circuitusually within 2 to 3 hours. Severalsponsors could be sighted along the path,providing free food and other giveaways.JOHN WELSH(Left) Proudly wearing their Greek letters and<strong>University</strong> gear, 250 <strong>Villanova</strong>ns once againparticipated in the Philadelphia Walk AgainstHunger, held on April 14.40 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

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