Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

Commencement 2007 - Villanova University

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Alumni ReunionWeekend <strong>2007</strong>Meritorious service awards were presentedto Robert J. Grossi ’67 M.C.E.; ThomasA. Nowlan ’64 Ch.E., ’85 M.Ch.E.; William P. Dierkes ’85M.E.; and Arthur P. Ryan III ’65 E.E.Full slate SaturdayThe next morning, at the 8 a.m. Alumni Memorial Mass in CorrHall Chapel, early risers commemorated the memory of <strong>Villanova</strong>nswho had passed on during the year. The Rev. Robert P.Hagan, O.S.A., ’87 A&S, associate athletic director at <strong>Villanova</strong>,presided. Many had their first glimpse of the chapel’s new stainedglass window, designed by the Rev. Richard G. Cannuli, O.S.A.,’73 A&S, as a tribute to the 15 <strong>Villanova</strong>ns who perished in theSeptember 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. FatherCannuli is chair of the theatre department, curator and director ofthe <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> Art Gallery and a liturgical artist.As alumni prepared to launch into a full slate of activities forthe day and evening ahead, they fortified themselves at a buffetbreakfast in St. Mary’s Dining Hall. Throughout the morning,campus shuttle tours, narrated by Blue Key Society students,gave alumni and guests an up-to-the-minute view of <strong>Villanova</strong>while they shared memories of the <strong>University</strong> in former days.At 9:30 a.m., the presentation made by the <strong>University</strong> Admissionstaff in the Connelly Center Cinema was well-attended.Meanwhile, upstairs in the Presidents’ Lounge, an enthusiastic mixof current students and alumni networked and heard a talk by Dr.Chauncey Fortt ’73 A&S, the VUAA’s new chairman on diversity.A record 135 couples pledged their continued commitmentto wedded life during the Renewal of Marriage Vows ceremony,which took place at 10 a.m. in the St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong>Church. The Rev. Shawn Tracy, O.S.A., ’63 A&S, of CampusMinistry, presided.Across campus at Falvey Memorial Library, <strong>Villanova</strong> nurseshad a chance to “Chat with the Dean,” featuring Dr. M. LouiseFitzpatrick, Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor.A “Conversation with the President,” which began at 11 a.m.in the <strong>Villanova</strong> Room of the Connelly Center, was a big hit,drawing more than 250 guests to dialogue with Father Donohue.At noon, graduates from the Class of 1956 and earlier headedfor the Top ’Cat Luncheon, held in the Radnor/St. David’sRoom in the Connelly Center. Top ’Cats received special lapelpins, and guests enjoyed the remarks given by the Rev. George F.Riley, O.S.A., Ph.D., ’58 A&S, ’61 G.S., special assistant to theMedals for Four<strong>Villanova</strong>nsJohn Smock ’65VSB, president of the<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Alumni Association(left), and the Rev.Peter M. Donohue,O.S.A., ’75 A&S,<strong>University</strong> president,are pictured with the <strong>Villanova</strong>ns honored with medals at AlumniReunion Weekend. They are (from left) Gerald D. “Gerry” Strid’66 VSB, Mary Beth Appel ’81 Nur. (both received the St. Thomasof <strong>Villanova</strong> Medal); Matthew D. “Matt” Nespoli ’04 A&S (YoungAlumni Medal); and Albert A. “Bert” Jacobs ’87 A&S (St. Thomasof <strong>Villanova</strong> Medal).president for alumni and external affairs. The classes of 1942,1947 and 1952 received special recognition.From noon to 3 p.m., 1,500 alumni, family and friends congregatedon Austin Field for an afternoon of food, festivity andfellowship at one of the weekend’s most popular events, theReunion Family Picnic. Children’s games occupied the youngestpicnickers while others took advantage of the opportunity tomeet, have photos taken with, and get the autographs of <strong>Villanova</strong>’sWildcat mascot and student-athletes. The disc jockeys—Terry Smith ’76 A&S and Joe Gallagher ’72 A&S—kept themood festive. They celebrated the 60th anniversary of <strong>Villanova</strong>’sradio station, WXVU 89.1 FM, by playing musical hitsfrom all the alumni years.Four alumni honored at ceremonyThe Alumni Reunion Vigil Mass and Awards Ceremony beganat 5 p.m. in the St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> Church. Father Donohueofficiated, assisted by several other Augustinian priests.St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> Alumni Medal: The VUAA’shighest honor is awarded to alumni who best symbolize the spiritand legacy of the 16th-century Spanish saint. They are “individualswho have achieved a level of distinction within theirchosen fields or professions and who have brought extraordinarybenefit to the <strong>University</strong> and to their communities.”This year’s St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> Alumni Medal recipients are:• Mary Beth Appel ’81 Nur., of Philadelphia. She is co-founderof the Catholic Worker Free Clinic and an active volunteerfor the College of Nursing. Following graduation from <strong>Villanova</strong>,Appel embarked on a life dedicated to working with the32 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

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