Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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globalization on children andyouth (awareness of global issues,employment issues, identity) (GC,C, PADM, ER, I)4.6 analyze impacts ofglobalization on women(gender issues, labour issues,opportunities forentrepreneurship) (GC, C,PADM, ER, I)4.7 evaluate relationshipsbetween globalization anddemocratization and humanrights (GC, PADM)How has globalawareness affectedlabour and employmentissues?How are globalawareness and qualityof life related?Exploration and analysis of howglobal awareness has affected jobsand labour (e.g., changes in kinds ofjobs people do, new economy,migration of jobs, labour laws, unions,effects on children and youth)Impact: The Fair Trade MovementExploration and analysis of immediateand long-term effects of globalawareness on quality of life (e.g.,revisit HDI, GNH, etc.) and how theserelate to global awareness; analysisof whether changes resulting fromgrowing awareness are positive foreveryonePoints of View: Naomi Klein, IndurGoklany, and Eric Reguly on theeffects of globalization and quality oflifeChapter 15GlobalConnectionsTo what extentdo globalconnectionsaffect people?Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciatethe impact of globalization onthe quality of life ofindividuals and communities(GC, C);4.2 recognize and appreciatethe importance of humanrights in determining qualityHow does globalizationchange communities?Exploration and analysis of what acommunity is (e.g., revisit the idea ofcollective; how communities influenceidentity; effects of forces ofglobalization on communities:multiculturalism, immigration, andpluralism)Ideas: Three Alberta students discussthe question: Has globalizationchanged ideas about community?<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolCommunicatingEffectively to Lead andPersuade23

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