Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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globalizing world (I, CC,GC);1.3 appreciate how theforces of globalizationshape, and are shaped by,identities and cultures (I,CC, GC)Knowledge andUnderstanding1.5 explore understandingsand dimensions ofglobalization (political,economic, social, othercontemporary examples)(PADM, ER, CC)1.6 examine the impact ofmedia andcommunicationstechnology on diversity(universalization of popculture, hybridization,diversification) (I, CC,GC)How is diversityinfluenced by the mediaand communicationtechnologies?How is identity affectedby media coverage ofworld events?How is diversity affectedby the dominance ofAmerican media?ChildProfile: Marshall McLuhan —Living in the Global VillageExploration of how communicationtechnology affects cultural diversityboth positively and negatively (e.g.,global media concentration;Aboriginal peoples at the WorldSummit in Switzerland in 2003; Al-Jazeera; francophones in Alberta;techno-isolation)Points of View: Taking ITGlobalExploration of how internationalmedia coverage helps developawareness, compassion, and a globalsocial consciousness (e.g., theassassination of John F. Kennedy;September 11, 2001; Maher Arar;Make Poverty History and Live 8;Africa Calling; global coverage ofdisasters such as the tsunami ofDecember 24, 2004 and the situationin Darfur)Exploration of how the dominanceof American media (news,entertainment) shapes the waypeople view themselves and othersand how it affects local cultures onboth personal and collective levels(e.g., Pop culture; Sesame Street andhybridization; anima and manga;<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school5

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