Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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Chapter 16The GlobalCitizenTo what extentshould Iembrace globalcitizenship?Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciatethe impact of globalization onthe quality of life ofindividuals and communities(GC, C);4.2 recognize and appreciatethe importance of humanrights in determining qualityof life (GC, C);4.3 accept political, social andenvironmental responsibilitiesassociated with globalcitizenship (C, GC, ER)Knowledge and Understanding4.9 explore multiple perspectivesregarding the civicresponsibilities that individuals,governments, organizations andbusinesses may have inaddressing opportunities andchallenges presented byglobalization (GC, C, PADM)4.10 evaluate means by whichindividuals, governments,organizations and businessescould address opportunities andchallenges of globalization (proglobalizationactivism, antiglobalizationactivism,legislation, agreements,What does “globalcitizenship” mean?What does a globalcitizen do?Where is globalizationtaking the world?Exploration of various ideasabout global citizenship (e.g.,difference between legaldefinition of citizen and idea ofglobal citizenship, bothvoluntary and involuntary)Ideas: Is there such a thing asglobal citizenship?Exploration of actions that mightdefine a global citizen and of therelationship between local andglobal citizenship (i.e., return toexploration of concept of“glocal” as well as the idea ofactivism as a response (e.g., proandanti-globalization activism,consumer activism)Making Choices: Irshad ManjiExploration and analysis ofvarious current global issues thatare likely to affect students’identities in the future (e.g., warand global terrorism;environmental concerns;outsourcing; the “ingenuitygap”)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolActing to EnhanceCommunity Wellbeing25

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