WB-1 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...

WB-1 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...

WB-1 - Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission - Sarva Shiksha ...


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Package No. <strong>WB</strong>-18. The (Name of Consultant) will be responsible for appropriate insurancecoverage. In this regard, (Name of Consultant) shall maintain workerscompensation, employment liability insurance for their staff on theassignment. The consultant shall also maintain comprehensive generalliability insurance, including contractual liability coverage adequate to coverthe indemnity of obligation against all damages, costs and charges andexpenses for injury to any person or damage to any property arising out of, orin connection with, the services which result from the fault of (Name ofConsultant) or its staff. The (Name of Consultant) shall provide the (Nameof Client) with certification thereof upon request.9. The (Name of Consultant) shall indemnify and hold harmless the (Name ofConsultant) against any and all claims, demands, and/or judgments of anynature brought against the (Name of Borrower) arising out of the services bythe (Name of Consultant) under this Agreement. The obligation under thisparagraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement.10. The Consultant agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after itstermination, the Consultant and any entity affiliated with the Consultant, shallbe disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than theServices and any continuation thereof) for any project resulting from or closelyrelated to the services.11. All reports and other documents or software submitted by (Name ofConsultant) in the performance of the services shall become and remainproperty of the (Name of Client). The Consultants may retain a copy of suchdocuments but shall not use them for purposes unrelated to this contractwithout the prior written approval of the Client.12. The Consultant undertake to carry out the assignment in accordance with thehighest standard of professional and ethical competence and integrity, havingdue regard to the nature and purpose of the assignment, and to ensure thatthe staff assigned to perform the services under this Agreement, will conductthemselves in a manner consistent herewith.13. The Consultant will not assign this Contract or sub-contract or any portion of itwithout the Client’s prior written consent.14. The (Name of Consultant) shall pay the taxes, duties fee, levies and otherimpositions levied under the Applicable law and the Client shall perform suchduties in this regard to the deduction of such tax as may be lawfully imposed.15. The (Name of Consultant) agree that all knowledge and information notwithin the public domain which may be acquired during the carrying out of thisAgreement, shall be, for all time and for all purpose, regarded as strictlyconfidential and held in confidence, and shall not be directly disclosed to anyperson whatsoever, except with the (Name of Client) written permission.Page 24 of 24

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