Training Transformation - The Grail Centre

Training Transformation - The Grail Centre

Training Transformation - The Grail Centre

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FocusAreaObjectiveWhatActivities How Who Time FramesJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov DecReportsTo produce50 copies ofPEP by end ofSeptemberDevelop data analysiscluster areasEnter dataAnalyse data fromPEP workshopsEdit and produce firstdraftEdit and producefinal draftCirculate final draftHold a PEP resultsthink Well – homefor TFTNGinocaM and NNM/L/NGN** *********TFTProgressreportsTo produce 2TFT progressreports bythe 15 Junebiannual and15 Dec annualBy a digital cameraTake activity photosReview reportingframe workProduce draft reportCirculate draftreportProduce and publishfinal reportNTeamS/TeamNNN/S/L*** * * *** ******* * ****TFTPhased<strong>Training</strong>To facilitate2 x 7dytraining fortransformationphasedworkshopsattended by35 participantseachReview curriculumProduce acurriculumProduce materialsfor the courseProduce a brochureRecruit participantsBook Venues/KleinmondBook Travel forR. PplPurchase stationeryDesign andsend pre-courseassignmentsTeamTeamTeamL/NN/GGLe/GN/GTeamG***********Write letters toembassiesTeam/S*Finalize facilitatingteamsDeliver TFT phase 1TeamG/N** **Follow up onparticipants*Deliver TFT phase 2TFT Homefor thefutureTo organize3x 1/2 ‘half’day workshopto be attendedby +- 6people Boardmembers andTFT staff todiscuss thefuture homeof TFTCommunicate withBoard membersabout the meetingBook venue for themeetingHold TFT futurebase meetingCommunicate withLingiswaNGN/SN/S* ****Conclude TFT homebase*training for transformation biannual report January-June 2009 17

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