ANEX 1 Criteria Area Remark 1. Investment conditions This project ...

ANEX 1 Criteria Area Remark 1. Investment conditions This project ...

ANEX 1 Criteria Area Remark 1. Investment conditions This project ...

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<strong>ANEX</strong> 1<strong>Criteria</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Remark</strong><strong>1.</strong> <strong>Investment</strong><strong>conditions</strong>2. Sustainabletransfer oftehnology3.Economicdevelopment of theregion<strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> is going to be financed by the Government ofthe Kingdom of Sweden under very favourable and longtermcredit <strong>conditions</strong>.In realisation of this <strong>project</strong> are included all members ofthe Association of the pig breeders within the Macvadistrict.The goal of this <strong>project</strong> is to increase the current pigproductionand to make it technologically and ecologicallymore profitable.Regarding production technology and manufacturingcapacity,the most modern equippment is going to beimplemented, with accent on enviromental protection andimprovement of work <strong>conditions</strong>.<strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> is going to be implemented in the region withthe highest pig production in Serbia. The goal of this<strong>project</strong> is to improve pig production and to make ittechnologically and ecologically more profitable. <strong>This</strong> goalis going to be achieved by building own slaughter housewhat will make possible that the majority of the profitremain within the local area. The cooperation with localcommunities and help in realisation of infrastructuring<strong>project</strong>s is also included what will improve living standardsof the local community.Economic4. Employment <strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> is very important in terms of local employmentespecially for the municipality of Bogatic because thenumber of employees is very low. The plan is to open 85new working places.Social5. Costs andproduction<strong>1.</strong>Stakeholdersparticipation2.Improvement oflife <strong>conditions</strong><strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> will make possible the electricity production onthe basis of bio-gas and it will decrease the enviromentalpollution.In the final version of this <strong>project</strong> the common participationof investor and user is included and it is also planned interms of <strong>project</strong> realisation after 12 months of opening. Inrealisation of this <strong>project</strong> maximum support of local pigbreeders Associations and Serbian Associations of pigbreeders is secured.There is an expectation that the number of employeeswithin the municipality of Bogatic is going to be increased.There is also an expectation that the municipality incomeis going to be improved.

3.Capacity building<strong>1.</strong>Energy resources(fuel switch, energyefficienty, energysavings, renewableenergy sources)2.AirThe implementation of the most modern equippment andtechnology in Europe will make possible constant trainingand improvement of working abilities of our farmers in theScandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark).By processing of faecals and visceral component it will bepossible to produce electricity on the basis of bio-gas. Thattechnology is going to be implemented for the first time inEurope.With the production of electricity on the basis of bio-gas wewill make contribution to CO2 reduction.Environmentand naturalresources3.Water4.LandBy this <strong>project</strong> all the water within the slaughter house isgoing to be filtrated.<strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> will not cause land pollution.5. Biodiversity <strong>This</strong> <strong>project</strong> will not make any influence on biodiversity.

<strong>ANEX</strong> 6PIN Form<strong>1.</strong>Title of <strong>project</strong>and date ofsending2. Name of thecompanyCluster 120.000 pigs in Macva06.07.2009.Centre for breeding, selection and turnover of pigs D.O.O.Private company3. Contactinformations4. Activity location Macva districtBogaticDrazic Branimir, Mike Vitomirovic 19015/787-165, 063/411-104fax: 015/787-165e-mail: cusps.bogatic@gmail.com5. Desctription of<strong>project</strong>The goal of this <strong>project</strong> “Cluster 120.000 pigs in Macva” is to organisethe pig production using the most modern technological, technical andecological standards. The new objects that will be built are: Slaughterhouse for primal processing with cooling house which capacity will be100 pigs per 1 Hour. The most modern equippment for processing skin,blood, pig hair, viscera and water refining will be installed. By usingvisceral component bio-gas will be produced and by using bio-gaselectricity will be produced. Slaughter house will not affect enviromentand the pollution will be evaded. 2. Reproduction farm which capacitywill be 200 pigs and its role will be to produce about 1200 breedingpigs per 1 year. The male hogs with weight till 25 kg will be given tofarmers who are members of the breeding pigs Association and theywill continue to breed them.The most modern technological,technicaland ecological standards will be implemented such as central automaticfeeding, ventilation, climatization, fertilisation system and system forproduction of bio-gas and energy.3. Commercial farm which capacitywill be 220 pigs and its role will be to produce breeding pigs that will begiven to farmers for continuing breeding. Regarding technological,technical and ecological standards the same solutions will be appliedlike on the reproduction farm.4. On the special location business andtechnical centre will be built with big ware house for cattle food(1000m2) and the special room for pig reception and buying up. Thatroom will be separated within the business and technical centre.On thesame location the big garages for pig transfer and cleaning equippmentwill be built. 5. Under very favourable contract <strong>conditions</strong> 187 farmers(members of Association) will be engaged. It is also planned to adapt ,renovate and improve private farms and regarding that favourablecredits will be proposed.

6. Current status ofthe <strong>project</strong>At the moment the feasibility study is being finished and the energeticsegment of the <strong>project</strong> (production of bio-gas and energy).7. Addition We hope that the <strong>project</strong> will be realised because every segment of the<strong>project</strong> has been studied carefully.8. Financing The proposed cost of the investment is 25.850.000,- Euro and it will befinanced by the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden.9. Time frame Time frame for implementation of the whole <strong>project</strong> is 12 months sincethe moment of receiving all necessary permitions and <strong>project</strong>documents.

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