Stat 5101 Lecture Notes - School of Statistics

Stat 5101 Lecture Notes - School of Statistics

Stat 5101 Lecture Notes - School of Statistics


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5.3. BERNOULLI RANDOM VECTORS 151ThusE(X 1 | X 2 ) − M 12 M −122 X 2 = µ 1 − M 12 M −122 µ 2,which establishes the conditional expectation given in (5.33).To calculate the variance, we first observe thatvar(X 1 | X 2 )=W −111 (5.34)where W = M −1 is partitioned as in (5.32), because the quadratic form in theexponent <strong>of</strong> the density has quadratic term x 1 W 11 x 1 and Theorem 5.10 saysthat is the inverse variance matrix <strong>of</strong> the vector in question, which in this caseis x 1 given x 2 . We don’t know what the form <strong>of</strong> W 11 or it’s inverse it, but wedo know it is a constant matrix, which is all we need. The rest <strong>of</strong> the job canbe done by the vector version <strong>of</strong> the iterated variance formula (Theorem 3.7)var(X 1 )=var{E(X 1 |X 2 )}+E{var(X 1 | X 2 )} (5.35)(which we haven’t actually proved but is proved in exactly the same way as thescalar formula). We knowvar(X 1 )=M 11butvar{E(X 1 | X 2 )} + E{var(X 1 | X 2 )}=var{µ 1 +M 12 M −122 (X 2 − µ 2 )} + E{W11 −1 }= var(M 12 M −122 X 2)+W11−1= M 12 M −122 var(X 2)M −122 M′ 12 + W11−1= M 12 M −122 M 22M −122 M 21 + W11−1= M 12 M −122 M 21 + W11−1Equating the two givesM 11 = M 12 M −122 M 21 + W11−1which along with (5.34) establishes the conditional variance given in (5.33).5.3 Bernoulli Random VectorsTo start we generalize the notion <strong>of</strong> a Bernoulli random variables. One mightthink that should be a vector with i. i. d. Bernoulli components, but somethingquite different is in order. A (univariate) Bernoulli random variable is reallyan indicator function. All zero-or-one valued random variables are indicatorfunctions: they indicate the set on which they are one. How do we generalizethe notion <strong>of</strong> an indicator function to the multivariate case? We consider avector <strong>of</strong> indicator functions.We give three closely related definitions.

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