WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital


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Investigation templateComplaint …………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………….Employee …………………………………………………………………………………….Whistleblower - Does he/she wish to remain anonymousWitness ……………………………………………………………………………………….Contact Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Questions/tasks Role CompletedWelcome to the meeting and thank for attendingInvestigating managerRight of representationInvestigating Manager• Check that the employee is aware of their right of and HR leadrepresentation• Note names of any representative and which union ifappropriateOutline process for the meeting WhistleblowerInvestigating manager• Ensure the witness knows that the meeting will benoted and the statement may be used in a formalprocess such as a disciplinary case at a later stage.• Listen fully to details of complaint and take copies ofany written evidence that the whistleblower is able togive. He/she may ask their representative to assistthem in giving their version of events.• Ensure that you reassure and acknowledge that this isa difficult situation and support employee in theprocess• Ask questions to clarify or understand employeeversion of events.• Allow time for the employee to clarify.• When you believe that you have a clear picture ofevents reflect your understanding back to thewhistleblower to check.• Detail any amendments they may make• If the meeting is difficult and heated ensure that youare clear with the employee about the need to remaincalm, allow breaks for feelings to subside and ensurethat these issues are appropriately reflected in thenotes.Whistleblowing PolicyJSCNC Approved October 2008OMG Approved November 2008Trust Exec March 2008Governance Committee September 2009Trust Exec September 2009 20 of 21Page 20 of 21

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