storm water management model, version 4: user's manual

storm water management model, version 4: user's manual

storm water management model, version 4: user's manual


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Table 2-2. ContinuedFROMCURRENTINTERFACINGBLOCK(continued)Variable Name(NDIM(J),J=1,NPOLL)QCONVDescription aParameter to indicate type of pollutant concentrationunits.=0, mg/l=1, Aother quantity@ per liter,e.g. for bacteria, units could be MPN/l.=2, other concentration units, e.g., JTU, umho,EC,pH.Con<strong>version</strong> factor to obtain units of flow of cfs,(multiply values on interface file by QCONV to getcfs). All blocks assume inflow is in cfs and convertto m 3 /sec if METRIC = 1.FLOW ANDPOLLUTANT DATAFOR EACHLOCATION.REPEAT FOR EACHTIME STEP.JULDAYTIMDAYStarting date; 5-digit number, 2-digit year plus Juliandate within year, e.g. February 20, 1987 is 87051.Time of day in seconds at the beginning of the timestep, e.g.,12:45 p.m. is 45900.DELTA Step size in seconds for the next time step c .(Q(K),(POLL(J,K),J=1,NPOLL),K=1,LOCATS)Flow and pollutant loads for LOCATS locations atthis time step. Q(K) must be the instantaneous flow atthis time (i.e.,at end of time step) in units ofvolume/time. POLL(J,K) is the flow rate times theconcentration (instantaneous value at end of timestep) for Jth pollutant at Kth location, e.g.,units ofcfs . mg/1 or m 3 /sec . JTU d .a Unformatted file. Use an integer or real value as indicated by the variable names. Integer variables begin withletters I through N.b Parameter JCE indicates whether $ANUM has been invoked to use alphanumeric conduit and junction namesand is included in COMMON/TAPES in each block.c I.e., the next date/time encountered should be the current date/time plus DELTA.d If units other than cfs are used for flow, this will be accounted for by multiplication by parameter QCONV.27

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