simsen - Laboratoire de Machines Electriques (LME)

simsen - Laboratoire de Machines Electriques (LME)

simsen - Laboratoire de Machines Electriques (LME)


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this machine are tuned by the regulators RU1 and RN1.The stator of this machine is connected to a HVDCtransmission constituted by 4 current convertersCONV1 - CONV4 and 4 transformers T1 - T4 with phaseshifting Yy0 and Yd11. Both AC si<strong>de</strong>s of thetransmission are equipped with filters C1- C4 for theelimination of the 12 th and the 24 th harmonics. Thecapacitor effect of the DC line is taken into account h bythe con<strong>de</strong>nser CCC1. The DC transmission line is tunedT1T2RG1 RL2L1u-+g consC1C2T5u consg+CONV1RRi1-CONV2-+C5u DCRP1CCC1i DC- p cons-++RC6RCONV4RQ1CONV3RRi2C7C3C4T3T4T6VAR1uME1MS1GS3~RRN1n-+Rby 2 current regulators Ri1 and Ri2, a power regulatorRP1 and an extinguishing angle regulator RG1 for theinverters CONV1 and CONV2. At the inverters si<strong>de</strong>, thevoltage is tuned by a reactive power static converter. Itis constituted by 2 transformers T5 - T6, 3 filters C5 - C7for the elimination of the 5 th , 7 th , 11 th and 13 thu cons+-RU1n consharmonics and the production of reactivepower, a current variator VAR1 and areactive power regulator RQ1. All thesystem is connected to the AC network S1through the line L1. This example is anaca<strong>de</strong>mical one in or<strong>de</strong>r to show the abilityof SIMSEN to simulate complex networks.The aim of the study is to analyse thedynamic behaviour of the system after asud<strong>de</strong>n change of the power set valuep cons of the power regulator RP1. In thissimulation, the extinguishing angle setvalue of the regulator RG1 keep aconstant value of 30°. Figures 4 to 11show the results of the simulation. Allthese results are referred to the ratingvalues of the synchronous machine MS1.Therefore SIMSEN is a suitable tool forthe <strong>de</strong>termination of optimal regulatorsand filters parameters relative to a complexstructure as presented in figure 3.S1Fig.3 Power network studied in example 1 : HVDC transmissionwith reactive power static converter (SVC)Fig. 4 Power set value "pcons" of the power regulatorRP1 and power "pg" of the HVDC transmissionFig.5 Voltage "uDC" and current "iDC" in the DC linkof the HDVC transmission-3-

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