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(2) These courses may be completedeither as a resident student at an OHMR orOHARNG school or through correspondence viathe Army Institute for Professional Development,or through similar attendance or correspondenceprograms at another military component school.(3) A numeral device shall be affixed toribbon to indicate the completion of specificlevels of subsequent courses. The basic level(PLDC) is indicated by the plain ribbon; thebasic course level (BNCOC) by the numeral 2;the advanced course (ANCOC) by the numeral3; and the Command Sergeant Major course bythe numeral 4.(4) Receipt of this award precludes theawarding of any other award for the samecourse of study, except the Honor GraduateAward and Federal Service School Award.(5) Consistent with US Army TRADOCpolicy, the First Sergeant Course is notconsidered an NCO professional developmentcourse. The NCO Training Graduate Award maynot be awarded for completion of the FirstSergeant Course.(6) Members who have completed NCOprofessional development courses prior tojoining the OHMR will not be awarded this awardfor those courses. However, upon completion ofthe next appropriate level of training while anOHMR member, soldiers may be awarded thecommensurate award.l. Basic Entry Level Training CompletionAward. The Basic Entry Level TrainingCompletion Award may be presented to anymember of the OHMR upon satisfactorycompletion of the OHMR basic entry leveltraining requirements. Persons for whom basicentry level training requirements are waived dueto previous experience or training will not beawarded this award.m. Physical Fitness Award. The PhysicalFitness Award may be presented to any memberof the OHMR who:(1) maintains a height/weight level of10% less or lower than the maximum allowablelevel for their age group as specified in OHMRRegulation 40-1 for a period of one year and(2) maintains a hip/waist ratio of .95 formales and .80 for females, or less, determinedas specified in OHMR Regulation 40-1, for aperiod of one year and(3) scores 220 or higher on the ArmyPhysical Fitness Test (APFT) during the year.Points (1) and (2) above will be verified by aquarterly weigh-in and measurement performedby a responsible NCO or officer in the soldier’schain of command. Point c will be verified by aresponsible NCO or officer in the soldier’s chainof command by testing at any point during thesoldier’s year. Verification documents must besubmitted with the recommendation for award.n. Federal Service School Award. TheFederal Service School Award may be awardedto any member for the successful completion ofany course accomplished as a resident studentof at least four (4) days and any U.S. ArmedForces or National Guard Service School, thecontents of which will aid the training or fullmobilization mission of the OHMR in general,including aid to civil authorities. While notmandatory because there are exceptions, thecourse should be related to the individual’sgrade, branch and primary or secondary MOS.Evidence of completion of such a course, with aminimum of twelve credit hours, is mandatoryand it must be in the form of an official diplomaor certificate from the service school. Thisaward may be awarded in addition to either theOfficer Training Graduate or the NCO TrainingGraduate provided all requirements of bothawards are met.o. <strong>Military</strong> Indoctrination Award. The<strong>Military</strong> Indoctrination Award may be awarded toany member who successfully completes anymilitary indoctrination course including entrylevel courses appropriate for the individual’sgrade, branch and primary or secondary MOS.This will be accomplished by correspondence oras a resident student of at least two (2) days atany U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard or <strong>Ohio</strong><strong>Military</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong> Service School or comparableeducational institution. Evidence of completionof such a course with a minimum of 15 credithours is mandatory and must be in the form ofan official diploma, certificate or a letter from anofficer or instructor of the institution ororganization offering the course. In no case willthe <strong>Military</strong> Indoctrination Award be awardedwith the Officer Training Graduate Award or theNCO Training Graduate Award for the samecourse of study.p. Emergency Service Training Award.The Emergency Service Training Award may beawarded to any member who has satisfactorilycompleted any course dealing with military orcivilian emergencies by correspondence or as aresident student in a U.S. Armed Forces,National Guard, <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong> ServiceSchool or civilian school program. This includes,but is not limited to, areas of planning,coordination, management, or execution and, forexample, it includes such areas as CPRcourses, American Red Cross First Aid courses,Radiological Monitoring, Riot Control, etc.Evidence of completion of such a course with aminimum of 15 credit hours is mandatory andmust be in the form of an official diploma,certificate or letter from and officer or instructor

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