man charged in triple murder; victims related - tonight Newspaper

man charged in triple murder; victims related - tonight Newspaper

man charged in triple murder; victims related - tonight Newspaper


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LIFESTYLESPINCYCLE DIARIESTALYN-TERZIAN GILMOURAweek has gone by, and Istill can’t shake the blues... but at least it looks likewe’re actually go<strong>in</strong>g tobe on time today. Kids are dressedand fed, bags are packed for school,and just as we go outside to load everyoneup, disaster! There is rottenfood everywhere: I forgot to closethe garage door last night and raccoonsgot <strong>in</strong>to my green b<strong>in</strong>!A quick cleanup later and I’mth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g the crisis has been averted,when up the driveway comes myclean<strong>in</strong>g lady – the one that keepsrearrang<strong>in</strong>g all of my stuff; the onethat keeps break<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> myhouse; the one I’m putt<strong>in</strong>g off lett<strong>in</strong>ggo because I’ve never fired anyone<strong>in</strong> my life. I wasn’t expect<strong>in</strong>g her,especially s<strong>in</strong>ce I am actually try<strong>in</strong>gout a new clean<strong>in</strong>g lady – today. Sheis set to arrive any m<strong>in</strong>ute! What todo now? I blurt out, “Oh, hi! I wasn’texpect<strong>in</strong>g you today. But, um, great.Go ahead <strong>in</strong>side, I’ll just be a m<strong>in</strong>ute.”Quick, send text. No response.Call ... pick up, pick up, pick up! “Hi,it’s me. I’m so sorry, part of our rooffell off last night and I really don’tfeel comfortable hav<strong>in</strong>g you comehere while they work to put it backon. Us? Oh, geez, we’re f<strong>in</strong>e, thankyou for ask<strong>in</strong>g. I will pay you, forsure, I’m so, so sorry! See you nextweek. Thank you so much. Okay,bye.”Before you judge, part of the roofdid fall off last week, and tomorrowa roofer is go<strong>in</strong>g to come and put itback on, so … not a lie, just a stretch.I hop <strong>in</strong> the car with the restof the gang who have now (thankgoodness) offered me a ride to thesubway. Purse? Check. Spare bagwith shoes? Check. Latte? Checkitycheck check! Th<strong>in</strong>gs are start<strong>in</strong>gto go my way – I th<strong>in</strong>k I’m go<strong>in</strong>g toshake this funk after all – I mean,what a comedy of errors this morn<strong>in</strong>g,right? And I survived.This subway is disgust<strong>in</strong>g; it iscrowded and hot. I hope I don’t almostfa<strong>in</strong>t aga<strong>in</strong>. Focus: Perhaps Ishould turn off Zero Dark Thirty andjust stare at the ground – somehowtorture scenes seem too ak<strong>in</strong> towhat I feel like I’m go<strong>in</strong>g throughright now. Hmmm, why don’t theyhave the A/C on? Ouch! What the –ouch! Some totally oblivious wo<strong>man</strong>has not only just stomped on myfoot with her big, high-tech sneakers,but when I turned to see whatwas go<strong>in</strong>g on, she clocked me withher giant backpack. And now there’sa medical emergency and I’m stuckhere? Funkity, funk, funk!It’s eight hours later…I did makeit to work, had a not-so-productiveday evaluat<strong>in</strong>g my life aga<strong>in</strong> and<strong>man</strong>aged not to cover myself withmy lunch this time – so all <strong>in</strong> all, notbad.And now I’m at my son’s baseballgame (which I signed him up for as away to at least cross one more itemoff my list). We’ve been <strong>in</strong> our neighbourhoodfor close to five years andthis is a great way to get <strong>in</strong>volved –and yes, this new-ish environmentwill be just as tricky for me as it willbe for him … I just wish I wasn’t <strong>in</strong>such a funk.I look around. There’s a group ofwomen who seem like they’ve beenon this circuit for years: They havetheir fold<strong>in</strong>g chairs, their travelmugs and hunter boots (on this unseasonablycold and ra<strong>in</strong>y Tuesdayeven<strong>in</strong>g I am wear<strong>in</strong>g a th<strong>in</strong> T-shirtand Converse and am will<strong>in</strong>g thesun to come out) and they appearmore <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> compar<strong>in</strong>g notesover their latest acquisitions, recipesand social agendas. I swear thatif I were to look closely enough atthe grass by their feet I would seet<strong>in</strong>y little brass plaques denot<strong>in</strong>gtheir respective, <strong>in</strong>dividual plotsof land at the park – undoubtedlypassed down for generations. Iknow this because I got the onceoverwhen I was carry<strong>in</strong>g our gearto “their territory” so I did a quick180 and changed course.But, oh no. I’ve now wound upwith the really nice and <strong>in</strong>clusivegroup. You know these people – theyare overly sweet and complimentary.They want to know every littledetail about you and where youcome from, seem oblivious to thefact that you only met five secondsago, and for some reason believethat you are just as <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> everydetail about their lives: “We’vebeen at this league forever! You’lllove it! We live right over there ... seemy house? What about you? Whatstreet? What number? My son, X,has been play<strong>in</strong>g for the past twoyears but just look at him, he can’tfocus or listen – X! Pay attention tothe coach! – I swear that child is go<strong>in</strong>gto be the end of me. You know,he won’t eat any vegetables! Whatdo I do? You must have some ideas?Which one is yours?” Oh boy.So now I’m sitt<strong>in</strong>g by the dugout.TUESDAY NIGHT16.07.2013 P. 07CONFESSIONS OF A MODERN-DAY RENAISSANCE WOMAN:FUNKY BLUES, PART 2This really is the best spot anyway– near all the kids and I can reallyget <strong>in</strong>to the game. Little by little I’mfeel<strong>in</strong>g not funkadelic anymore, butbewildered. I’m try<strong>in</strong>g to figure outhow I got here. And how I’ve let myfunk dictate so <strong>man</strong>y of my moves,like not mak<strong>in</strong>g an attempt to get toknow some of these people, or worry<strong>in</strong>gabout the consequences ofeach and every decision I’ve madeup to this po<strong>in</strong>t, or the consequencesof each and every decision I haveto make hereafter.I look up and start to really watch.To my surprise, I notice that my sonhas jo<strong>in</strong>ed, I mean really jo<strong>in</strong>ed, histeam without hesitation. He’s talk<strong>in</strong>gto all the other kids and hav<strong>in</strong>gthe best time. He got thrown <strong>in</strong>to aAs the <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs progress, I f<strong>in</strong>dI’m enjoy<strong>in</strong>g myself and lett<strong>in</strong>g goof all of my other wonder<strong>in</strong>gssituation he knew noth<strong>in</strong>g about, orhad control over, and is do<strong>in</strong>g justf<strong>in</strong>e.As the <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs progress, I f<strong>in</strong>d I’menjoy<strong>in</strong>g myself and lett<strong>in</strong>g go of allof my other wonder<strong>in</strong>gs ... the noise<strong>in</strong> my head grows quieter as it is replacedwith cheers, squeals and myfavourite: the crack when the ballconnects with the bat. Then, to myutter astonishment, the game hasended and I am be<strong>in</strong>g congratulatedby the coaches: “Your son had thehit of the game!” And all of a sudden,I knew that we had accomplishedwhat buy<strong>in</strong>g a new pair of shoescould never achieve: I was out of the“sp<strong>in</strong>-cycle.” For now.Visit Talyn onl<strong>in</strong>e at sp<strong>in</strong>cyclediaries.com, orfollow @spncycdiaries on Twitter

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