11-06-1959 - E-Research

11-06-1959 - E-Research

11-06-1959 - E-Research


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U.S. Ambassador James D. Zellerbach to Italy, (second fromleft) visits the Rome USO Club, operated by NCCS. At left isEdwin F. Bond, executive Director of USO, New York; AmbassadorZellerbach; Msgr. Pius A. Benincasa, Buffalo, N. Y.,American official of the Vatican Secretariat of State and sponsorof the Rome USO Club, and Miss Alma Herger, club director.(NC Photos)Appeal For Used RosariesIssued By Father PeytonN. Y. (NC) — Anationwide appeal for brokenand used rosaries has been issuedby Father Patrick Peyton,C.S.C., founder and director ofthe Family Rosary Crusade.The rosaries will be repairedand used in Father Peyton's"Rosaries for SouthAmerica" campaign touchedoff by hundreds of requestsfrom South Americans whoare seeing the colorful Rosaryfilms produced by FatherPeyton in Spain.The films are the basis of ahuge educational program aimedat teaching South Americanshow to pray the RosaryEssay Contest OffersVisit To WashingtonDETROIT, Mich. (NC) — TheMichigan Catholic, newspaper ofthe Archdiocese of Detroit, hasannounced an essay contest forhigh school students to promoteinterest in the dedication of theNational Shrine of the ImmaculateConception in Washington,The first prizes, for a boyand for a girl, will provide anall-expense trip for the dedicationof the shrine in Washingtonon Nov. 20 for the winners andtheir adult companions.Public Relations ChiefWins George Buck AwardNEW YORK (NC) — TheGeorge Buck Award of the CatholicActors Guild was presentedto Bernard C. Duffy, vice chairmanand former president of thepublic relations firm of Batten,Barton, Durstine and Osborn.He was cited for his 'outstanding^holicism and assistanceto\*rf3e in the theatrical and entertainmentworld."The award is named for thelate George Buck, executive secretaryof the Catholic ActorsGuild for 30 years. It is a goldmedal depicting St. Genesius,patron of actors.and the truths of the CatholicFaith, the Holy Cross priest explained.Due to a tremendousshortage of priests in SouthAmerica, millions of "Catholicshave drifted away from thepractice of their religion..Volunteers will repair thebroken and used rosaries sentto the Family Rosary Headquarters,773 Madison Ave.,Albany 8, N. Y.Father Peyton recalled thatin 1957 he issued an appeal for"Rosaries for Refugees" whichwas publicized in the Catholicpress. The response was overwhelming.In a letter to Catholiceditors, Father Peyton saidthat any prospective advertiserwould have' no doubt about thepulling power of the Catholicpress if he had seen the thousandsof packages and boxesdeposited at the Family RosaryCrusade office after an appealis made.xt s...~.ISDS:}QW PT?Schools Cited As SavingArea Quarter-MillionCARLE PLACE, N.Y. (NC) —* Seven Catholic and two Protestantschools have been commendedfor tax savings as a result of"their existence and operationin educating many of ouryouths" in a resolution passedat the school district's annualmeeting.The resolution pointed out that440 students being educated inthe nine Catholic and Protestantschools save the local taxpayers"substantially in excessof one quarter of a million dollarsper year."• • •Physicists Heads CAIPWASHINGTON (NC) — Dr.Charles M. Herzfeld, a physicistwith the U. S. Bureau of Standards,has been elected presidentof the Catholic Associationfor International Peace. He succeedsHarry W. Flannery, radiotelevisioncoordinator for theAFL-CIO.• * •Canon Law Unit ElectsLOS ANGELES (NC) — Msgr.E. Robert Arthur was electedpresident at the annual meetingof the Canon Law Society ofAmerica. He is vice officialis ofthe Washington archdiocese.THERMOAIR SERVICEAUTHORIZEDCarrierPLANNED SERVICEFACTORY TRAINED MEN• COMMERCIAL• RESIDENTIAL24 HOUR SERVICEMU 5-3631C. A. WIEDERHOLD, President4555 E. 10 CT., HIALEAHA invites you to sea ike"* i r ~ nineteen sixtyy^ 1MODELS.ULINCOLNc %, :.''JB^J.-^ ''^fcM'" ''Ja^••~J^& il^mi.TJ i^Tin^j'l •/ 1! n ; lljTH) : i : "'#i'i^7 7vT'PP~Ir:#ii2;tefeR#iwMi GABLES=- LINCOLNMERCURY!o ""'INC./i L"EL LllM!#lM5bLIOCURY EDSEL EBGLISH FOI LMINERALSPIRITSPAIMT SUPPLIER Of THE FAMOUSCAROL CITY AND HEFTLERHOMFSYOURMETAL CONTAINERGal.STORES TO SERVE YOU!FERTILIZER5.0-LB.6-6-6AMAAAMVUVIALKYD FLATINTERIOR WALLS-WOODWORK5.50ValueMildewResisting^58 WashableGAL.98 Woodwork $GAL -6 YearFREEMIAMI10151 N.W. 27th Ave.GOLDEN GLADES16541 N.W. 27th Ave.DAN IA2599 Griffin Rd.89$<strong>11</strong>OO-LB.4-7-53 YR. QUALITYKitchensPAINTROLLERSET89COMPLETELATEX PAINTINTERIOR -EXTERIOR• Plaster *%9Q whife an *• Stucco 4Ready Mixed20 MIN. DRY GAL. Colors$6.50VALUEI HOUSE PAINTMildewResisting3 YR. QUALITYOneCoatCoversWALLPAPER14,000 ROLLS IN STOCKManyBeautifulPatternsQUALITYPAINTValuesTo$8.95As Low As450Gal.1000 BEAUTIFUL LADIES'PLASTIC APRONSFOR THE LADIES—NOTHING TO BUY!HIALEAH1620 E. 4th Ave.FT. LAUDERDALE1513 N.E. 26th St.FT. LAUDERDALEMAIN STORE2883 W. BrowordMFG. COMIAMI2195 N.W. 7th Ave.SO. MIAMI6827 Bird RoodDELRAY BEACHNorth Federal Hwy.Corner 8th St.November 6, <strong>1959</strong> THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 5

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