MBIPV Project Brief

MBIPV Project Brief

MBIPV Project Brief


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and improvement of BIPV product services as well as R&D are very essential in reducing thelong-term cost of BIPV technology. Generally, this project component will focus on:4.1. R&D on Cost Reduction of Local BIPV Products and System Optimization for LocalConditions: Solar PV can be integrated as building elements to suit specific buildingrequirements. However, architects, engineers, developers and consumers need moreinformation in order to fully utilize BIPV application in Malaysia. Local universities willcarry out research and development activities with support from international collaboratorsto develop aesthetically pleasing and cost effective BIPV system. In addition, R&D activitywill develop local inverters for market commercialization. GEF support is required for theassociated technical assistance for the upgrading of the technical capacity of localuniversities in producing commercially viable BIPV products.4.2. International Collaboration and Technology Transfer Program: In tandem withactivity to upgrade the local industry capabilities, international collaboration and transfertechnology schemes will be developed and initiated. The local university and industrycapabilities will be improved through suitable partnership with foreign manufacturers.International collaboration and joint ventures will upgrade the local industry to acompetitive level. This could include transfer of technology, knowledge sharing, jointventure or direct foreign investment. Memorandum of agreements will be signed to initiatethe collaborations. The suitable environment created under activities of component 3 willbe used to attract foreign investors and manufacturers, as well as ensuring availability offinancial mechanisms to support local manufacturing. GEF support is required fortechnical assistance to establish the international collaboration.4.3. Upgrading Local BIPV Industry Capabilities: Assessments of local industry andmanufacturer will be conducted. International business meetings will be organized toprovide matchmaking opportunity between international and local industry. Throughpartnership or collaboration, as well as the R&D activities and international matchmaking,the Malaysian manufacturing sector will be able to upgrade their present capabilities formanufacturing of BIPV products. After-sales service is one of the most critical issues inprotecting the market and improving public confidence on BIPV technology. Thus, thisactivity will also develop situations to provide reliable and quality after sales services. Thiswould require enhancing the capabilities of suppliers and contractors in providing technicaland product supports. Additionally, different business models will be developed to providedirection in local BIPV industry development. Within the project period, a locally designmounting structures and a pre-commercialized local inverter will be produced throughincubations between the universities, local industry and international partners. GEF supportis required for the technical assistance to upgrade the local industry and develop thebusiness models.4.4. Establishment of BIPV Testing Facility: To ensure the successful deployment of BIPVtechnology, a testing facility to evaluate the quality of BIPV products will be established.This quality testing facility will be incorporated into the safety testing facility implementedby SIRIM (a national testing and standard development agency). Such a facility willenhance the quality and reliability of products. This will also ensure that Malaysia will notbe dumped with cheap but low quality BIPV products. International collaboration will beestablished to assist SIRIM and other relevant agencies to develop the facility. In the mid tolong-term, this facility can lead to the establishment of a center of excellence for R&D and28

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