MBIPV Project Brief

MBIPV Project Brief

MBIPV Project Brief


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Components Cost Baseline Alternative IncrementalFunds $ 2,207,986 Domestic Benefits: Domestic Benefits:Domestic Benefits:Requestedfrom GEFLimited business opportunities forPV manufacturers/suppliers. Limitedinstalled capacity of grid-connectedsolar PV.Total FundsRequiredGlobal Benefits: Global Benefits:GHG emissions are reducedmarginally.Increased knowledge and competencyof PV service providers, engineers,and architects in the aspects ofdesign, implementation, operation,performance and maintenance.Increased awareness of the benefitsand the technology by the public andpolicy sector.Higher penetration of PV will offsetfossil fuel-fired power generation andreduce GHG emissions.$13,654,966 $ 11,446,980 $ 13,654,966 $ 2,207,986The local capabilities in BIPVtechnology design andimplementation are strengthenedand further sustainable nationalinitiatives are implemented,leading to a significant growthand cost-reduction of thetechnology.Global Benefits:Reduction of GHG emissions.3. BIPV Policies and Financing Mechanisms ProgramTotal BaselineFunds$ 1,145,400 Business-as-Usual Scenario: Proposed Situation: Additional Features:FundsRequestedfrom GEF$ 703,489General solar energy technologyapplication is addressed in thenational energy policy (5th fuelpolicy, 9th MP) and IRP (integratedresource planning)-study. GoM REfocus is on biomass. No supportingfinancial mechanism in place for PVapplications. The existing energytechnology environment ishampering the uptake of a localBIPV market.Appropriate policy and institutionalframeworks and financial mechanismare developed and formulated and atarget for BIPV market penetrationset in the 10th Malaysian plan (2010to 2015). Operational mechanism forthe development of the BIPV marketpost 2010 are in place.Domestic Benefits: Domestic Benefits:Biomass utilization for energyapplication is widely accepted. Solarenergy technology applications (e.g.,BIPV) remain as a research subject.With a target set in the GoM policies,the BIPV industry is ready to investin new jobs and expanding thebusiness to meet the set goal forBIPV applications.Several studies on targetedresearch support the formulationof a solid institutional and policyframework, supported withsuitable financial mechanism.The BIPV technology isintegrated in EE and other REinitiatives, providing synergiesand benefits.Domestic Benefits:Clear government policysupporting the growth of themarket and achieve economicsof scale.50

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