A Theory of Change for Tackling Violence Against ... - ActionAid

A Theory of Change for Tackling Violence Against ... - ActionAid

A Theory of Change for Tackling Violence Against ... - ActionAid

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42.PrinciplesThe seven key principles underlying the<strong>Theory</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong> are that:1. Context is critical: successfulinterventions are those that are tailoredand based on rigorous analysis <strong>of</strong> theparticular factors affecting violenceagainst women and girls in a specificcontext, including setting, <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> violenceand population affected by the violence.2. The state has primary responsibility <strong>for</strong>action on violence against women andgirls: national governments hold theultimate responsibility <strong>for</strong> implementinglaws, policies and services aroundviolence against women and girls and canachieve change on violence againstwomen and girls.3. Holistic and multi-sectoral approachesare more likely to have impact:coordinated interventions operating atmultiple levels, across sectors and overmultiple time-frames are more likely toaddress the various aspects <strong>of</strong>, andthere<strong>for</strong>e have greater impact on, tacklingviolence against women and girls.5. Backlash is inevitable but manageable:resistance to tackling violence againstwomen and girls, which may includeincreased risk <strong>of</strong> further violence againstwomen and girls, is inevitable where rootcauses are being addressed but can, andshould, be managed.6. Women’s rights organisations createand sustain change: supporting women’srights organisations, especially thoseworking to tackle violence against womenand girls, to make change and build strongand inclusive social movements is themost effective mechanism <strong>for</strong> ensuringsustainable change in the lives <strong>of</strong> womenand girls.7. Empowering women is both the meansand the end: focusing on the rights <strong>of</strong>,and being accountable to, women andgirls is the most effective way <strong>of</strong> tacklinggender inequality as the root cause <strong>of</strong>violence against women and girls.4. Social change makes the difference:sustained reduction in violence againstwomen and girls will only occur throughprocesses <strong>of</strong> significant social change,including in social norms, at all levels.

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