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Section 1 1Chapter 1Section 1S1.1 Political party preference in the United States depends in part on the age, income, andgender of the voter. A political scientist selects a large sample of registered voters. For eachvoter, she records gender, age, household income, and whether they voted <strong>for</strong> the Democraticor <strong>for</strong> the Republican candidate in the last congressional election. Which of these variables arecategorical and which are quantitative?S1.2 Here is part of a data set that describes motor vehicles:Where City HighwayVehicle Type made MPG MPGAcura 2.5TL Compact Foreign 20 25Buick Skylark Compact Domestic 22 32Audi A8 Quattro Midsize Foreign 17 25Chrysler Concorde Large Domestic 19 27Identify the individuals. Then list the variables recorded <strong>for</strong> each individual and classify eachvariable as categorical or quantitative.S1.3 You want to compare the “size” of several statistics textbooks. Describe at least threepossible numerical variables that describe the “size” of a book. In what unit would you measureeach variable? What measuring instrument does each require? Describe a variable that isappropriate <strong>for</strong> estimating how long it would take you to read the book. Describe a variablethat helps decide whether the book will fit easily into your book bag.S1.4 You are studying the relationship between political attitudes and length of hair amongmale students. You will measure political attitudes with a standard questionnaire. How willyou measure length of hair? Give precise instructions that an assistant could follow. Include astatement of the unit and the measuring instrument that your assistant is to use.S1.5 Popular magazines often rank cities in terms of how desirable it is to live and work in eachcity. Describe five variables that you would measure <strong>for</strong> each city if you were designing such astudy. Give reasons <strong>for</strong> each of your choices.S1.6 Bicycle riding has become more popular. Is it also getting safer? During 1988, 24,800,000people rode a bicycle at least six times and 949 people were killed in bicycle accidents. In 1992,there were 54,632,000 riders and 903 bicycle fatalities.(a) Compare the death rates <strong>for</strong> the two years. What do you conclude?(b) Although the data come from the same government publication, we suspect that some changein measurement took place between 1988 and 1992 that makes the data <strong>for</strong> the two years notdirectly comparable. Why should we be suspicious?S1.7 All the members of a physical education class are asked to measure their pulse rate asthey sit in the classroom. The students use a variety of methods. Method 1: count heart beats

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