WA Port Operations Task Force 3 November 2011 - Fremantle Ports

WA Port Operations Task Force 3 November 2011 - Fremantle Ports

WA Port Operations Task Force 3 November 2011 - Fremantle Ports


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<strong>WA</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong>3 rd <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>1. AGENDA2. PAPERS PRESENTEDa. <strong>WA</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong> <strong>2011</strong> Priority Listb. <strong>2011</strong> Christmas and New Year WorkingArrangementsc. Actions - <strong>2011</strong> Christmas and New Year WorkingArrangementsd. QAP Strategy <strong>2011</strong>e. Container Movement Study3. MINUTES

Western Australian <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong>AGENDADate: Thursday, 3 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Time:0800 – 1000 hoursVenue:1 st Floor Meeting Room, <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>s1. Opening Comments Graeme Wilson2. Attendance3. Confirmation of October MinutesBusiness Arising4. PresentationsKewdale Interstate Intermodal Terminal (T1),presentation on operations by Pacific National5. <strong>2011</strong> Target and Prioritisation ListUpdate on the Program and Actions spreadsheet(attached). Active items shown in red.6. Rules for Overloaded VehiclesGeneral UpdatePress release7. Freight and Logistics Council – Updates fromOctober8. Peak Season PlanningStatus Report9. <strong>Port</strong> Reports<strong>Fremantle</strong> General ReportQuarantine Inspections10. Round Table DiscussionOpportunity for member input on developments in theirarea – 2 minute update by selected parties.11. Landside Transport - Planning and StrategyOff <strong>Port</strong> ECP and Potential Commercial DriversGroup (Includes exporter survey)Container Movement StudyOne-Stop Dual Booking – Discussion withPatrick’s Greg Winstanley12. Working GroupsWorking Group Reportso Industry CommunicationEstablishment of Truck Control System WorkingGroupGraeme WilsonScott CurtisLaurie PiggottJohn KeldermanGraeme WilsonLaurie PiggottDoug BrindalMichael PalGraeme WilsonJennifer HallMichael PalMichael PalMichael PalMichael Pal

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong> of Western AustraliaManagement of Growth in the Inner Harbour - Work Programme <strong>2011</strong>UPDATE 1 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Broad Issue General Objective Action Current Status1. Higher TruckProductivitya) Use VBS to promote higherloading – dual bookingsystemSoftware modifications underreview by DP WorldCheck Patrick position onsoftware requirementResponse received from DP World andPatricks advising dual booking systemscope under review.Waiting results following meeting held withPatrick’s Greg Winstanley regardingoperational improvements without changing1-Stop software.b) Greater use of highproductivity vehicles (on andoff port)c) Carrier professionalstandards2. Working Hours a) Extend weekly operatinghours to handle growth.3. Removal ofImpediments to Railb) Better alignment of hours andoperational interface betweenstevedores and other serviceproviders.c) Setting up transport stagingdepots within the portprecinct.a) NQRT/Stevedore Interface.b) Clear government policy onusing rail.4. Quarantine Inspections Ensure adequate storage andtimely throughput to meetindustry demands.Industry and FPA negotiatingwith Main Roads <strong>WA</strong>Develop a Total LogisticsFramework for all landsideport operations.FPA undertaking land useplanning and reviewing landavailability.FPA reviewing rail terminaldesign.Cabinet submissions.AQIS and FPA working withQAP’s to meet industrydemands.High Productivity Vehicle negotiations withMR<strong>WA</strong> underway; refer Freight andLogistics Council Minutes.Included in review of VBS.DP World has cancelled Saturday R& DSome initial local activity with negotiationsunderway between POTA and Patricks e.g.how to coordinate ECP’s with Cargo Link.UnderwayWorking with consultants and DOT on trainconfigurations and terminal design; refer toItem (6) below.Under consideration by Cabinet.FPA investigating potential for additionalsites as part of item (5) below.

5. Optimise Use of <strong>Port</strong>Land6. Greater Use of InlandFacilitiesa) Future Capacityb) Staging Depots for improvedconsolidation.a) Intermodal Terminalsb) Container Parksc) Staging Depotsd) Carrier Charges from inlandECP’s7. <strong>Port</strong> Corridors a) Planning and protecting.b) Better information onmovements.c) Benchmarks.8. VBS improvements a) Relationship betweenstevedores and carriers.c) Independent management.FPA undertaking Rous Headland use planning.Refer to 2(c) aboveReview DOT new projectteams’ framework.Include carrier relationship toECP’s and the <strong>Port</strong> in thereview.Current DOT project - shouldcorridors be protected bystatutory land use zoningmechanisms?Undertake Containermovement O/D studyRefer to Item (1) above.UnderwayUnderwayFocus is on infrastructure delivery, thereappears to be no consideration ofoperational and commercial arrangements.Underway - Freight and Logistics Councilhave set up a Working GroupConsultants appointed – completion by<strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>.8. Interim Arrangementsto control overloadingahead of Chain ofResponsibilityLegislation.d) More flexibilitya) Import boxesb) Export BoxesPrepare interim guidelinesand business rules.dittoCompleted – press release issued.

<strong>2011</strong> Christmas and New Year Working ArrangementsAction List 9 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ACTION<strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong> to prepare a detailedcalendar of all port service providersworking arrangements.In conjunction with CCI arrange pressreleases with <strong>WA</strong> Business News andother relevant media outlets.Distribution of Bulletins, Updatesand Press releases on Peak Periodinitiatives. All industry bodies areurged to request members involvedin import and export to “think early”to avoid disruption.Encourage Container Parks to extendopening hours from 0600 to 1800from 6 December 2010 to 14 January<strong>2011</strong>.Request shipping lines to advisecontainer detention arrangementsand seek an extension of free timeand the exclusion of public holidaysfrom detention periods.Request stevedores to adviseworking arrangements.DPW to review converting unusedVBS export slots to import slots,especially during the evening shift.Quarantine Approved Premises(QAP) opening hoursPrepare a detailed list of vessels dueover the Peak Season showing ETAand first and last days of cargoavailability.RESPONSIBLEPARTYLaurie Piggottand serviceprovidersJohn ParkAll <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong>members.Doug BrindalLaurie PiggottLaurie PiggottLaurie PiggottAdam HollandIan LadnerGraeme WilsonSTATUSDonePOTA have confirmedDoneDoneDoneProvide Rail Operation details Jim Stevenson Done

<strong>WA</strong> PORT OPERATIONS TASK FORCE - QAP STRATEGY - NOVEMBER<strong>2011</strong>The <strong>Port</strong>s QAP Strategy Development Discussion Paper was completed on 5 October<strong>2011</strong>.An overview of the feedback from the industry was considered by <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>s.The proposed initiatives included:• Consideration of the use of various areas of <strong>Port</strong> land for either increased QAPactivity or for storage of units awaiting washes;• Continuing the work with Main Roads to be able to run over-dimensional loadswithin the <strong>Port</strong> precinct at nights (non-curfew);• Measures to increase the transparency to the market of bookings at QAPs;• Development of KPIs across the industry;• Discussion on the need for non-1.1 work within the <strong>Port</strong> precinct;• Working with AQIS local and national management to ensure better coordinationwith industry practices;• Promotion of risk-based approaches to inspections;• Progress the “clean area” concept for holding units between inspections andwashes; etc.It is unclear to <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>s as to the actual level of concern about waiting times inthe market. Some of the significant market players have been requested to respondwith some further thoughts on where they see the market medium term. Theseresponses are expected in the next fortnight.

<strong>WA</strong> PORT OPERATIONS TASK FORCE - CONTAINER MOVEMENTSTUDY - NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong>Today, the consultants will be presenting their draft report to the Steering Committeemade up of <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>s, Department of Transport, Main Roads, Freight andLogistics Council and Department of Planning.The consultants have stated that they have covered around 80% of the movementscarried out during the period of the survey in total (including 73% of full imports),which you will remember was the end of August. This does include bulk runmovements from terminal to ECP and return.The goal has always been to limited the requirement to go back to participants withfurther questions and to attempt to resolve any inconsistencies, as they arise, throughusing correction of clearly incorrectly transcribed information, resorting to industryknowledge of movements to fill gaps only in limited and very obvious situations.In general, the initial indications of the report show that it will largely provide whatappears to be a largely representative sample of the total number of movements for thetwo week survey period. It will largely follow the outline of report from other <strong>Port</strong>s,thereby providing an acceptable degree of comparability. There will need to be somefurther investigation to ensure that the consultants have actually been locating theactual end receiver and start load point for containers, particularly for countrylocations.

Western Australian <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong>Meeting 3 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong><strong>Fremantle</strong>EXECUTIVE SUMMARYIssues discussed at the meeting included:ooooooooPresentations:Pacific National Intermodal Rail Terminal at Kewdale<strong>2011</strong> Target Prioritisation List;Rules for Overloaded Vehicles;Freight and Logistics Council report;Peak Season Planning;<strong>Port</strong> ReportsGeneral ReportQuarantine Inspections for imported machineryLandside Planning and Strategy- Exporter Survey- The Container Movement Study- 1-Stop Dual BookingWorking Groups:- Industry Communication- ECP utilisation

ACTIONSThe following is an Actions summary; including carry over items from previous Minutes:1. Rules for Overloaded Vehicles:- Distribute press statement on the Import and Export Rules to a wider tradenews – Doug Brindal2. Peak Season Planning – relevant parties to forward all information by9<strong>November</strong> for final distribution by 11 <strong>November</strong>.3. Meeting between carriers and POTA on extended hour’s usage.4. <strong>Port</strong> Community Consultation:The Chairman advised that the structure of this involvement will be discussedas an agenda item at future meetings.5. Exporter Survey: Provide a copy of the current draft report to the DOT to assistthem to understand some of the commercial drivers related to an inland ECP –Jennifer Hall.6. 1-Stop Dual Booking System:Provide advice and justification for the apparent abandonment of the DualBooking System proposal – DP World and Patricks7. ECP extended hours period utilisation – Ray U Chong, Alf Carter and FredFerolja8. Provide advice about any incident report/review of how well the EmergencyEvacuation Procedures were used, following the recent truck rollover whichclosed <strong>Port</strong> Beach Road. The review should include consideration of howalternative access was obtained and how quickly it was put in place – DougBrindalCarried Over Actions:1. Obtain Main Roads <strong>WA</strong> approval for large “Over Dimensional Load”movements into the port.2. Target and Prioritisation List -continue monthly review.3. Container Movement Study:Report progress on consultant study back to Study Steering Committee2

Coordinate with Annual Truck Movement Study4. Quarantine Inspections: continue actions from previous meeting and convene asecond meeting of stakeholders.5. Continue with the <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Working Group to assist the port in developmentof operator KPI’s.6. Continuation of meetings and communication associated with quarantininginspections and wash facilities within the port area – AQIS, Industry and the<strong>Port</strong>7. ECP Booking Systems- Convene the Local Group to Review Melbourne information and considerapplicable Business Rules for Western Australia – Doug Brindal- Invite Tony Paldano to <strong>WA</strong> once Melbourne business rules are settled:–Doug Brindal.3

Western Australian <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong>Meeting 3 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong><strong>Fremantle</strong>NOTES OF MEETINGAgenda Item One: Opening CommentsThe Chairman advised the meeting about an ACCC report on Stevedoring forwarded byJohn Park which will be circulated to members. The report notes that improved use ofscarce resources can be achieved by more off peak access.Graeme suggested that the <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Force</strong> and Freight and Logistics Council should write tothe ACCC suggesting the investigation also include the respective modal shares of railand road.Agenda Item Two: AttendanceThose present were:Graeme WilsonLaurie PiggottMark BrownellLiz SchultinkMatt CoghlanJamie SumptonJim StevensonAdam HollandAlf CarterTim SymonsJennifer HallJohn KeldermanMichael PalDoug BrindalWayne SpencerJohn ParkRay U’ChongJohn WardIan LadnerTim DawsonFred FeroljaChairmanExecutive OfficerDept of TransportMillennium Inorganic ChemicalsPatricks Cargo LinkPatricksStevenson LogisticsDP WorldP&O TransPOTA<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>sCCI<strong>WA</strong><strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>s<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong>sRetail Trade AssociationCBFCAJayde TransportAWHAQIS<strong>WA</strong> Transport Workers Union<strong>WA</strong>RTA4

Guests:Scott CollinsPacific NationalApologies for the meeting were noted from:Noel NielsonPascal FelixTom MaughanJan HillJim KellyViv HallMUAMain Roads <strong>WA</strong><strong>WA</strong>RTAAustralian CustomsAWHRoad TransportAgenda Item Three: Confirmation of October Meeting NotesThe notes were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting.Business Arising: Items from the October Meeting were covered in the agenda.Agenda Item Four: Pacific National Intermodal Rail Terminal – Presentation byScott Curtis.Scott’s presentation covered:Terminal location and customer catchment;Weekly train operations and peak demand issues;Terminal layout and relationship with adjacent freight forwarders;Cargo Link and ITV operationsTerminal truck access system;Container lock and unlock procedures;Information on carrier numbers compared to the <strong>Port</strong>;R&D booking systems and load/unload management.The PowerPoint presentation is attached to the minutes.The Chairman thanked Scott for a very informative presentation.Agenda Item Five: <strong>2011</strong> Target Prioritisation ListThe September List which was attached to the agenda shows changes outlined in red. Thechanges were dealt with during the meeting. In discussion John Kelderman asked if thelist could include target dates and responsibility.Graeme and Laurie responded that most items are also included in the meeting agendaand it is difficult to provide timelines for reports on DOT long term planning studies.5

The report will be reviewed to determine where to include “action” responsibility andtimelines.Graeme also asked members to indicate how much use they make of the priority list.Action: review priority list – Laurie PiggottAgenda Item Six: Rules for Overloaded VehiclesExport Rules and Compliance and Enforcement Legislation:John Kelderman reported on the press release which has been issued with the help ofFPA. Action: Investigate release to trade journals including DCN which will have <strong>WA</strong>feature in a couple of weeks. _ Doug BrindalAgenda Item Seven: Freight and Logistics Council – update from SeptemberGraeme Wilson reported on:- The potential of a <strong>Port</strong> Community System to improve communication between <strong>Port</strong>stakeholders;- An appropriate standard for the Priority grain Road Network due to some anomalieswhere there are different road standards and categories on the approaches to someGrain Receival Points; meaning that large trucks can go part but not all of the way.The F&LC Minutes will be distributed with these Minutes.Agenda Item Eight: Peak Season PlanningLaurie advised that a draft schedule had been forwarded to members earlier in the week.One correction has already been received - from AQIS and members were requested toreview their section by 9 <strong>November</strong>. After that date the information will be assumed to becorrect.Parties yet to respond had been requested to do so as soon as possible.Action: follow-up on other actions and distribute final document by 11 <strong>November</strong> –Laurie PiggottAgenda Item Nine: <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Port</strong> ReportThe General Report presented by Doug Brindal was distributed prior to the meeting.Highlights were:Trade stats for September were up 5% from 2010 however while full importswere 17% higher full export volumes were 20% lower.6

Doug noted that October container movements, as advised by the 2 ContainerTerminal Operators, have declined by nearly 4% and this is the first decline for anumber of months. In discussion it was indicated that some vessels are bypassing<strong>Fremantle</strong> due to industrial unrest.Heavy Vehicle Issues – Michael Pal advised that discussions are continuing withMain Roads regarding the movement of over dimensional loads within the portprecinct during dusk to dawn hours.The annual truck survey is completed showing a very minor reduction inTEU/truck which is disappointing, improvement should be expected.Quarantine Inspections: Michael Pal advised the paper had been presented to theFPA executive and there will be a meeting with AQIS on Friday, 11 <strong>November</strong>.Agenda Item 10: Round Table DiscussionAdam Holland provided a briefing on the current industrial at DPWorld. There issignificant concern about potential disruption leading up to the peak season.On a more positive note he advised that <strong>Fremantle</strong> is the next cab off the rank forthe new container management system and an expert decking program which willallow boxes to be available as soon as they are placed on the wharf.James Sumpton advised that at Patricks:- there are problems with lack of space;- there is a CAPEX for more machinery;- a Sunday dayshift will be added to the Saturday dayshift; both days byarrangement;- work is progressing on the tagging system for R&D at designated stacks.Alf Carter spoke about utilisation of the extended hours periods at POTA ECP'sindicating some support by carriers but periods when usage is low. In discussioncarriers made the point that trucks had been turned away during these extendedperiods. The Chairman requested members to get together to determine if there isa communication issue and to resolve how best to use the extended hours period.Action: Alf Carter, Fred Ferolja and Ray U’Chong to meet on this issue.Agenda Item 11: Landside Transport - Planning and StrategyOff-<strong>Port</strong> ECP and Potential Commercial Drivers Group (includes ExporterSurvey)Jennifer Hall briefed the meeting on the current status of the exporter survey – adraft report will be presented to participants in a couple of weeksAction: provide a copy of the current draft report to the DOT to assist them tounderstand some of the commercial drivers related to an inland ECP – JenniferHallContainer Movement Study: Michael advised there will be a draft presentationthis afternoon and a draft report will be available for comment mid-to-late<strong>November</strong>.7

8. 1-Stop Dual Booking System: there has been little action over the last month andthis will be followed up by Michael Pal and the working group.Agenda Item Twelve: Working GroupsIndustry Communication Working GroupMichael Pal provided an update on the current status including:- getting information to users to allow them to obtain a better understanding ofthe current system for this summer;- an overview of Truck Cam; and- setting up a working group on the new TMA and other systems.Agenda Item Thirteen: Invited Speakers in DecemberIMG presentation (as presented to the Freight and Logistics Council in October) –Jim Stevenson;Annual Truck Survey Results – Fiona CallanderAgenda Item Fourteen: General Business –Tim Symons asked if the <strong>Port</strong> would be preparing an incident report, including areview of how well the Emergency Evacuation Procedures were used, following therecent truck rollover which closed <strong>Port</strong> Beach Road. The review should includeconsideration of how alternative access was obtained and how quickly it was put inplace.Action: report back to the next task force meeting – Doug BrindalThe meeting closed at 1005Next Meeting: 0800 - 1000, Thursday 1 December <strong>2011</strong>8

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