Mueller® Lineseal® Series Butterfly Valves - Mueller Co.
Mueller® Lineseal® Series Butterfly Valves - Mueller Co.
Mueller® Lineseal® Series Butterfly Valves - Mueller Co.
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<strong>Mueller</strong> ® Lineseal ®<strong>Series</strong><strong>Butterfly</strong> <strong>Valves</strong>150B and 250B Class –– 3"-48"for Water Distribution and Transmission
Table of <strong>Co</strong>ntentsProduct Features 3-7Actuators 8-9Position Indicator 10Operator Extensions 11Suggested Specifications 12Product OfferingLineseal III ® <strong>Valves</strong>Class Sizes* Max. Working Pressure Max. Flow Velocity150B 3"-48" 150 psig 16 fpsLineseal XPII ® and XP ® <strong>Valves</strong>Class Sizes* Max. Working Pressure Max. Flow Velocity250B 3"-48" 250 psig 16 fpsEnd configurations availableLineseal III <strong>Valves</strong>Class Sizes* <strong>Co</strong>nfiguration150B3"-48" Flg x Flg4"-48" MJ x MJ6"-36" Flg x MJ12", 16" Slip-on x Slip-on12", 16" Slip- on x FlgLineseal XPII <strong>Valves</strong>Class Sizes* <strong>Co</strong>nfiguration250B3"-48" Flg x Flg (ANSI Class 125)4"-48" MJ x MJ6"-36" Flg (ANSI Class 125) x MJLineseal XP <strong>Valves</strong>Class Sizes* <strong>Co</strong>nfiguration250B3"-48" Flg x Flg (ANSI Class 250)* <strong>Co</strong>ntact your <strong>Mueller</strong> representative for valve sizes larger than 48".2
Performance Is the KeyDesigned specifically for the waterworks industry,Lineseal ® butterfly valves offer the ruggedness andreliability required for buried service...and a key featuretoo often overlooked in underground valves — performance!Lower head loss means getting the most from your pumpingstation dollar. Lower torques mean less costly actuationpackages, and the maintenance-free design helps keepyour budget under control.Lineseal ® 3"-20" <strong>Valves</strong>Our 3"-20" valves*feature a moldedinelastomeric seatwhich is bondedto the valve body.The bond is testedto ASTM D-429,Method B (minimum100-pound pull on1" strip at 90° angle)to ensure the integrityof the bond. Thespecial configuration of the elastomeric seat resists coldflow and the likelihood of compression set, even when thevalve is left in the closed position for extended periods.The streamlined disc profile reduces turbulence andhead loss. The 316 stainless steel disc edge is applied bya non-transferred plasma arc process which providessuperior bonding.Lineseal ® 24" and Larger <strong>Valves</strong>Our 24" and largervalves* featurethe patentedE-LOK ® 360°seating system.The body-mountedelastomeric seathas ridges, whichprovide multiplesealing lines andpermit higherlevels of radial compression. As a result, stress in the seatmaterial is reduced, allowing lower seating torques andbetter sealing action. The seat is mechanically retainedin a machined groove by a unique cast epoxy design.Uniform pressure around the entire periphery provides abubble-tight seal. This design also allows seat adjustmentor replacement without removing the valve from the line.<strong>Valves</strong> 30" and larger feature a flow-through discdesign to provide a greater free-flow area and maintainthe higher C V performance of these larger <strong>Mueller</strong> valves.(The 24" valve has an offset, slightly concave solid discwhich also provides the higher C V performance.) Forexample, the 30" valve has a flow rate comparable tomost competitors’ 36" valves.CertifiedNSF®61* Lineseal XP 6"-20" valves are similar in design to the 24" and larger valves.All <strong>Valves</strong> <strong>Co</strong>mply with AWWA C504All <strong>Mueller</strong> Lineseal <strong>Butterfly</strong> <strong>Valves</strong> comply withAWWA C504 and are designed for a long service life withlittle attention or need for maintenance. Stainless steelshafts are corrosion resistant. Chevron V-Type packingsare used to last the life of the valve without adjustment.These and other features described on the following pagesmake the <strong>Mueller</strong> Lineseal the preferred valve line.3
4Designed to Deliver <strong>Co</strong>st-effective,Bubble-tight Closure
123"-20" Lineseal ® <strong>Butterfly</strong> <strong>Valves</strong> * Streamlined Disc — Lens-shaped discChevron V-Type Packing — Self-adjusting,long lasting and should never needreplacement because quarter-turn valveoperation causes little or no wear. Packingbears on turned, ground and polishedstainless steel, reducing wear.<strong>Co</strong>rrosion-resistant Shaft — <strong>Co</strong>nstructedof stainless steel (Lineseal III is type 304,Lineseal XPII and XP are ASTM A-564 type630 cond. H-1150). Shaft is one-piece,through-shaft construction sized to meet orexceed requirements of AWWA Standard C504.5is designed to minimize pressure dropand turbulence. Full open valve createsno more friction loss than a 45° elbow. Discis secured to the shaft by stainless steel pinssized to transmit required torques andwithstand stresses imposed under severeoperating conditions. Lineseal III disc is castiron, ASTM A-126 Class B with 316 stainlesssteel disc edge. Lineseal XPII and XP discsare ductile iron ASTM A-536 (65-45-12) with316 stainless steel disc edge. (Discs for 3"and 4" Lineseal valves are cast stainlesssteel, ASTM A-351 CF8M.)3Heavy Duty Body — Rugged cast ironconstruction for Lineseal III valves orductile iron for Lineseal XPII and XP valves.End connections include choice of flangesfully faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class125 or Class 250, or integrally cast mechanicaljoint ends. For Lineseal III valves, slip-on ends(for DI and PVC C900 pipe) are also available.6Elastomeric Body Seat — Buna N seatis bonded to the body*. The seat cannot betorn from the body under normal pipelineconditions. The precision molding processalso ensures that the disc/seat interferencecannot cause excessive wear or abrasionduring operation.4Self-lubricating Bearings — Liberally sized,chemically inert nylon bearings are selflubricatingand designed to last the life ofthe valve.7Tamperproof Disc Centering — Precisionmolded flats in the bonded seat at the bodytrunnion mate with machined flats on the discto provide tamperproof centering of the discin the body*. Positive disc alignment, withoutplay, assures long seat life.* For Lineseal XP valves, applies to 3" and 4" sizes only – all other sizes have E-LOK ® style seat.5
Designed to Deliver <strong>Co</strong>st-effective,Bubble-tight Closure1234524"-48" Lineseal ® <strong>Valves</strong> * Flow-through Disc — Provides less pressure<strong>Co</strong>rrosion-resistant Shafts — <strong>Co</strong>nstructedof ASTM A-564 Type 630 H-1150 stainlesssteel. Two-piece, stub-type shafts are sizedper AWWA Standard C504.Chevron V-Type Packing — Self-adjustingpacking in top trunnion of valve body whereshaft protrudes.Self-lubricating Bearings — Sleeve-typebearings are used in both trunnions of thevalve body. Teflon lined with special nonmetallicbacking. Provide electrical insulationbetween disc and shaft to prevent galvaniccorrosion. Low coefficient of frictionreduces operating torque requirements.Elastomeric Seat — Specially compoundedBuna N seat seals a full 360° against astainless steel spherical disc edge. Uniquegrooved-seat design, coupled with the wide,spherically shaped seating edge of the disc,allows greater disc closure tolerance (upto 1° off center in closed position withoutleakage). Seat is mechanically retained inbody without metal hardware by a cast epoxycompound that ensures the seat conformsto the precise radius of the disc with uniformcontact pressure. It is fully field adjustableand replaceable.Strong Shaft <strong>Co</strong>nnections — Disc andshafts are connected by tapered stainlesssteel pins designed to transmit requiredtorques and withstand stresses imposedunder severe operating conditions.678drop in full-open position than conventional discshapes. (On 24" size the arch side of disc isclosed and the flat side is open, forming a slightlyconcave surface .) Disc structure has no internalcores that can shift during casting, no hollowchambers that can collect water, freeze andfracture the disc. Disc edge has stainless steelspherically shaped seating surface. Ductile ironASTM A-536 (65-45-12) used for Lineseal IIIand Lineseal XPII and XP valves.Heavy Duty Body — Rugged cast ironASTM-126 Class B construction for Lineseal IIIvalves, or ductile iron ASTM A-536 (65-45-12) forLineseal XPII and XP valves. End connectionsinclude choice of flanges fully faced and drilledper ANSI B16.1 Class 125 or Class 250, orintegrally cast mechanical joint ends. ForLineseal III valves, slip-on ends (for DI andPVC C900 pipe) are also available.Preset Thrust Bearing Assembly — Two-waybearing is preset at factory. On valves 30" andlarger, assembly consists of stainless steel studfastened to the bottom of the valve shaft. Studextends beyond the bottom cover. Thrust collaris threaded to the stud and pinned. On 24" size,thrust collar is pinned to shaft and adjustmentprovided by bronze spacers. Thrust collar cavityis packed with grease and fully gasketed toprevent leakage.* <strong>Co</strong>ntact your <strong>Mueller</strong> representative for valve sizes larger than 48".E-LOK seat design also applies to 6"-20" Lineseal XP valves.Also 6"-20" Lineseal XP valves.6
Buried Service ActuatorsBuilt Extra Strong and Water Tightfor Years of Trouble-free ServiceRugged, Feature-Packed <strong>Co</strong>nstructionDesigned specifically for buried service, <strong>Mueller</strong> ®valve actuators meet or exceed the operating requirementsof AWWA Standard C504. They are traveling nut typeand self-locking without a unidirectional sustained forcefrom the valve. Unlike some actuators of other designs,our actuators can be relied upon to maintain exact valveposition under conditions of fluctuating, turbulent andintermittent flow, yet one person can smoothly and easilyoperate the valve. Stop limiting devices are provided andare capable of withstanding 1-1/2 times the AWWA C504standard input torque at full open or closed positionswithout damage to the valve or actuator.Moisture ResistantThese rugged actuators are lubricated for the lifeof the valve. They can be used underground withoutrequiring maintenance because of their grease-packedconstruction. As long as the cover, gasket and sealsremain intact, there is no need for concern about damageresulting from water infiltration.Smooth OperationOn 3" through 12" Lineseal III ® and 3" through 8"Lineseal XPII ® and XP valve sizes a slotted leverarrangement provides linear operation, with valve openingapproximately in proportion to the turns of the nut. In sizes14" and larger Lineseal III valves and 10" and largerLineseal XPII and XP valves, a link-lever arrangementminimizes the possibility of line shock by slowing downvalve travel as the valve approaches the closed position.Actuator Characteristic Curves8
Features1234567Housing — Provides structural support plus protectionfor internal operating mechanism. Mounts to valvetrunnion with four bolts. Gasket between housingand cover prevents infiltration of dirt and moisture.Screw Rod — Precision machined, high strengthsteel. Transmits input torque to drive mechanism.Stop Limiting <strong>Co</strong>llars — Built in, threaded intoposition and pinned. Meet or exceed AWWA C504Standard for input torque requirements to eliminatethe possibility of damage to actuator housing,mechanism or disc-shaft assembly.Lever — Rugged casting built to transmit torquesfrom slider nut to valve shaft. On link-lever design,takes up higher portion of nut movement at the“closing” end of the screw. (Refer to actuatorcharacteristic curves on page 8.)Key — Actuator is keyed to valve shaft forpositive connection.Slide Nut — Precision machined to mate preciselywith screw rod and lever. Capable of withstanding450 ft. lb. input torque against stop collar.Dual-link <strong>Co</strong>nstruction — One link above the screw(shown) and one below (hidden), adds strength andprevents misalignment and jamming of slider nut.1324563Slotted-Lever Actuator13246753Link-Lever Actuator (typical)9
Ground Level Position IndicatorThe <strong>Mueller</strong> ® position indicator identifies valveposition at a glance, as well as direction and numberof turns to open or close completely. This durable indicatoris designed for simple operation, strength and reliability.All working parts are constructed of non-metallic materialthat is virtually indestructible in this kind of service.Hermetically sealed, the internal gearing is protectedfrom the elements with a clear, tough plastic cover.The <strong>Mueller</strong> position indicator is shipped for fieldassembly, complete with cast-iron adapter (1) and capscrews, guide bushing (2), position indicator (3), flexiblewasher (4) and a 2" square AWWA nut (5) with set screw.The adapter fits a standard 5.25" valve box (6) or 5"cast-iron soil pipe bell utilizing a cast cover with skirtdepth of 1" or less (7). Extension stems (8) are availablein 5' and 10' lengths and are ordered separately.The device is designed for use with valves requiring250 turns or less. Specify number of turns required forvalves not made by <strong>Mueller</strong>.10
Operator ExtensionsThe extensions shown here are suitable for mounting manual,motor and cylinder operators on valves. The extension bonnetis useful for submerged service (such as reservoir inlet) and forburied service. The floorstand includes a valve position indicator.Extension Shaft with AWWA Nut.37"Extension BonnetFloorstand with HandwheelFloorstand for ActuatorExternal Packing Bonnet11
Suggested SpecificationsLineseal III ® <strong>Butterfly</strong> Valve AWWAC504 Class 150B For Buried ServiceAll butterfly valves shall be manufactured in accordancewith the latest revision of AWWA C504 for Class 150Bservice and comply with the following details:Valve Bodies shall be constructed of cast iron ASTMA-126 Class B and conform to AWWA C504 in terms oflaying lengths and minimum body shell thickness. Endconnections shall be as specified on the plans.Valve Discs shall be made of stainless steel ASTM A-351Grade CF8M (3"-6"), cast iron ASTM A-126 Class B(8"-20"), sizes 24" and larger shall be built from ductile ironin conformance to ASTM A-536 (65-45-12). Disc shall befurnished with 316 stainless steel seating edge to mate withthe rubber seat on the body.Valve Seats shall be Buna N rubber located on the valvebody. In sizes 20" and smaller, valves shall have bondedseats that meet test procedures outlined in ASTM D-429Method B. Sizes 24" and larger shall be retained in the valvebody by mechanical means without use of metal retainers orother devices located in the flow stream.Valve Shafts shall conform to stainless steel ASTMA-276 Type 304. Shaft seals shall be standard self-adjusting,Chevron V-Type packing. Shaft seals shall be of a designallowing replacement without removing the valve shaft.Valve Bearings shall be sleeve type that are corrosionresistant and self-lubricating. Bearing load shall not exceed1/5th of the compressive load strength of the material.Valve Actuators shall be fully grease packed and have stopsin the open/close position. The actuator shall withstand aninput torque of 450 ft. lbs against each stop. The travelingnut shall engage alignment grooves in the housing.The Valve Interior and Exterior Surfaces except forseating shall be coated in accordance with TT-C-494A andAWWA C504 latest edition.Optional: All internal and/or external surfaces shall becovered with a polyamide cured epoxy coating applied overa sand blasted “near white metal surface” per SSPC-SP10and in compliance with AWWA C550.Lineseal XPII ® and XP ® <strong>Butterfly</strong> <strong>Valves</strong>Class 250B For Buried Service<strong>Valves</strong> shall be manufactured with a 250 psi rating. Thevalves shall be capable of operating at pressures of 250 psiand will comply with the following details:Valve Bodies shall be constructed of ductile iron ASTMA-536 (65-45-12). End connections shall be as specified onthe plans.Valve Discs shall be stainless steel ASTM A-351 GradeCF8M (3" and 4"); shall be ductile iron ASTM A-536(65-45-12) and furnished with 316 stainless steel seatingedge to mate with the rubber seat (6" through 48").Valve Seats shall be Buna N rubber (EPDM option) locatedon the valve body, and shall be retained without the use ofmetal retainers or other devices located in the flow stream.Valve Shafts shall be stainless steel ASTM A-564 Type 630<strong>Co</strong>ndition H-1150. Through shaft for 3" through 20" andstub shaft for 24" through 48" shall be acceptable.Shaft Seals shall be standard Buna N (EPDM option)self-adjusting, Chevron V-Type packing. Shaft seals shallbe of a design allowing replacement without removing thevalve shaft.Valve Bearings shall be sleeve type that are corrosionresistant and self-lubricating. Bearing load shall not exceed1/5th of the compressive strength of the material.Valve Actuators shall be fully grease packed and havestops in the open/close position. The actuator shall have amechanical stop which will withstand an input torque of450 ft. lbs. against each stop. The traveling nut shall engagealignment grooves in the housing.The Valve Interior and Exterior Surfaces except forseating shall be coated in accordance with TT-C-494A andAWWA C504 latest edition.All <strong>Valves</strong> shall be hydrostatic and leak tested. The leak testshall be performed at a differential pressure of 250 psig withthe disc in a closed position. In a slightly open position,internal hydrostatic pressure equal to 500 psi shall be appliedto the inside of the valve body for five minutes.Main Office — Decatur, ILWater Division: 1-800-423-1323Canada — <strong>Mueller</strong> Canada Inc., Barrie, Ontario 1-705-719-9965www.muellercompany.come-mail: moreinfo@muellercompany.comAll products must be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable instructions and/or standards.Form 11907-Rev. 9/09-5M-1 <strong>Co</strong>pyright 1996 <strong>Mueller</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. Printed in U.S.A.