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instance, the WAP Forum created mobileprofiles of the cascading style sheet (CSS)language and the extensible hypertextmarkup language (XHTML), which areused in WAP 2.x. Work is also underwayto incorporate a mobile profile for scalablevector graphics (SVG), a technology used inmultimedia messaging service (MMS). Eachof these activities is part of a larger collaborationwith the W3C, which is the originatorof these technologies.Interoperability—animportant <strong>com</strong>ponentProducing a specification is not enough; youmust also ensure that the products that implementthe standard work together. Consequently,one of the most active parts of theOMA is the interoperability group, in whichEricsson has a very active role (for example,Ericsson chaired the group during its crucialformation stage).In the OMA, each specification must beac<strong>com</strong>panied by a set of static conformancerequirements. Each implementation of aspecification must fulfill its set of these requirements.Likewise, there are several testcases to which the implementer must conform.Conformance is tested at Test Fest(test party) events organized by the OMAInteroperability Process group for each enablerrelease. A Test Fest is less formal thancertification testing, but still makes certainthat the various implementations work together.Requirements-driven processIn many cases, the development of standardsin the mobile industry has been driven bytechnology itself—that is, a given technologyhas often been standardized without regardto the market in which it will be employed.Some would claim that the perceivedfailure of early WAP technology canbe attributed to this phenomenon. By contrast,the OMA, inspired by standard initiatives,such as ETSI and 3GPP, togetherwith experiences gained from its affiliates,will respond to market needs through a requirements-drivenprocess.The OMA requirements group is responsiblefor coordinating requirements.Whereas the requirements create a set ofgoals that the standard must fulfill, eachnew work must also show that the activityis necessary. The requirements are marketbased,and are intended to be a filter andprovide the proper orientation for standardization.The requirements group is the focuspoint for many mobile operators. As a membetof this group, Ericsson is working to introducemodels and methods from EricssonConsumer Lab and elsewhere to speed up theprocess and improve its focus.OMA—the achievementsInstead of starting from square one, theOMA is gradually generating a host of <strong>com</strong>prehensivedeliverables, including new initiativesthat promote industry convergence.For instance, the OMA is finalizing agreementsof cooperation with the industry. Examplesof such agreements include LibertyAlliance and Parlay. The OMA is alsoadding to cooperation with the 3GPP and3GPP2. Moreover, numerous OMA IOPTest Fests are held for areas such as SyncMLand Wireless Village. Finally, the work ofthe OMA is not tied to any particular operatingsystem. Instead, as part of its architecture,it adds detailed working principlesfor every specification group.OMA and Ericsson—the solutionsThe technologies of the OMA cover the entireend-to-end spectrum of services availableto the end-user. This means that theOMA's agenda includes terminal technologiesas well as server-based systems.Emerging OMA solutions will be based onstandard technology that uses advanced, richmedia-capablemobile platforms, such as• multimedia messaging;• enhanced graphical Internet browsingbased on XML; and• network-based location technology withsupport for existing legacy mobile devicesand full-featured GPS-enabled mobile devices.More advanced third-generation mobile devicesbased on open-standard technology,such as XML (W3C), J2ME-Java (JCP), andSIP/RTP, will further facilitate the developmentof new and <strong>com</strong>pelling services formultimedia entertainment, interactivegaming and advanced instant messagingand presence solutions.OMA in the mobile platform andterminalsThe OMA Mobile Applications Group iscontinuing to develop the Mobile ApplicationsEnvironment, the heir to the WAPForum Wireless Application Environment,which contains support for an address book,calendar, scripting language, and browserfunctions. The imminent affiliation of theEricsson Review No. 1, 2003

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