Palmerston North City Council Candidates Information Booklet

Palmerston North City Council Candidates Information Booklet

Palmerston North City Council Candidates Information Booklet


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19PRELIMINARY COUNT AND RESULTSThe preliminary count of votes will commence once voting closes at 12.00 noon onSaturday, 12 October 2013. This will take place at the Election Services processing centre,Level 10, 45 Queen Street, Auckland.Scrutineers attending the preliminary count should report, in the first instance, to thereception at Election Services processing centre. When scrutineers report, their declarationswill be taken and procedures explained to them. Each candidate is required to advise theElectoral Officer in writing of any scrutineer appointed by him/her by 12.00 noon onFriday, 11 October 2013.Progress results will be announced in the <strong>Council</strong> Chamber of the Civic AdministrationBuilding late afternoon or evening, Saturday, 12 October 2013. The announcement timewill be advised closer to Election Day. The progress results are anticipated to account forapproximately 95% of the returned voting documents.After the announcement, progress results will be:- Relayed to the media- Posted on the main entrance doors to the Customer Service Centre, CivicAdministration Building- Placed on the <strong>Council</strong>’s website www.pncc.govt.nz<strong>Candidates</strong> not present at the above announcement will be contacted if possible, but notbefore the results are released as above. In this regard, candidates will be telephoned attheir residential address unless, prior to Election Day, the Electoral Officer is advised of apreference to be telephoned at another location or to be advised by email.The completed preliminary results will be announced later on Saturday, 12 October, or onSunday, 13 October 2013. For this announcement, the results will be emailed to addressesnominated by candidate if an email address has been provided. Alternatively candidates willbe telephoned if they prefer.Following this announcement, the preliminary results will be:- Relayed to the media- Posted on the main entrance doors to the Customer Service Centre, CivicAdministration Building- Placed on the <strong>Council</strong>’s website www.pncc.govt.nzAlthough the Electoral Officer and his staff will do their best to have progress and preliminaryresults available at the nominated time, absolutely no guarantee can be given as to whenprogress or preliminary results will be available.<strong>Palmerston</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Elections 201355

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