Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

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thinkers, equipped to confront and overcomeevolving challenges. They will possess a solidfoundation of capabilities including a stronggrounding in ethics, critical thinking andservice to others.At its core, the School of Business will bededicated to the <strong>Walsh</strong> tradition of educatingfor leadership and service. Students willconfront challenges surrounding ethicalissues in business throughout the curriculum.They will also experience service projectsincorporated into their coursework. Ourstudents will ultimately become teachers bytheir example, influencing business decisionsand inspiring others throughout their careers.Continually moved by <strong>Walsh</strong>’s mission toservice learning, we dedicate this new schoolto providing an integrated business educationand a learning community that will producesocially responsible leaders. I personallyremain committed to the premise that serviceis the obligation we assume when we areempowered with knowledge. And I amconvinced that one of the best ways to fulfillthat obligation is first to learn and then toteach what we have learned. I look forward tothe opportunity to work with the <strong>University</strong>’sadministration and staff as well as the facultyand staff of the School of Business as we workto create a truly great organization.“Over the years since I graduated from<strong>Walsh</strong>, I have seen how the businessschool curriculum will prepare ourgraduating students for their future inbusiness. Along with the new “150 hour”requirement for becoming a CPA, thisadded coursework will provide ourstudents with the necessary businessknowledge, coupled with <strong>Walsh</strong>’s”liberal arts background.Michael Petrecca ‘82Managing PartnerPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPThe Next Step: AACSB ACCREDITATIONDr. Carole Mount, Assistant Dean of Accreditation, Assessment and CurriculumA major milestone for the establishmentof our new school will be the Associationto Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB) accreditation process. AACSBInternational accreditation represents thehighest standard of achievement for businessschools, worldwide. To date, there are only16 AACSB schools in Ohio.To achieve accreditation, our new schoolmust satisfy a wide range of qualitystandards relating to the management ofresources, faculty/student interaction, andachievement of learning goals in degreeprograms. Work on our application beganthis past semester with the formation of a<strong>Walsh</strong> accreditation team that includesProfessor Mary Sponseller, accounting;Dr. Rodney Smith, management & informationsystems; and Professor Mark Platts, marketing.Since January, we have attended two AACSBworkshops on accreditation and plan toattend a third on the alignment of our schoolcurriculum to accreditation standards thisJune. It will be this team that will put togetherthe Eligibility Application for AACSBconsideration next year. The obtainment ofthis accreditation will be a tremendousaccomplishment for our university. The globalrecognition and prestige of this designationwill benefit our students throughout theircareers as graduates of an AACSB accreditedSchool of Business.It will take approximately one year to completethe eligibility application process. Onceaccepted as a candidate, the AACSB’s rigorousprogram will then focus on institutional selfevaluation.The process of self-evaluation isnot something new to the administration of13

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