Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

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PROJECTORGANISATIEPROJECTORGANISATIE-00056_omslag_B_PP.indd 5 03-04-2007 11:40:45THE PRELIMINARY STUDIES23Will the birds in the Voordelta bebothered by the suction dredgersthat are busy near Hoek ofHolland?How much traffic will be visiting<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 in 2020? What arethe consequences of the increasein traffic for accessibility and airquality?How can we ensure that thecompanies established at<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 work as cleanand sustainably as possible?Won’t the water in the docks heatup too much due to the coolingwater discharged by the facilitiesand power stations?<strong>The</strong> EIA re<strong>port</strong>s:extensive, exhaustive,and innovativeQuestions, lots of questions.<strong>The</strong> Port Authority hasanswered all relevant questionsin the context of present andexpected national and internationalpolicy frameworks and agreements.<strong>The</strong> required procedures for theconstruction, planning andoperation of <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 arecurrently running their course atthe Municipality of Rotterdam,the Dutch Ministry of Trans<strong>port</strong>,Public Works and WaterManagement, the Ministry ofAgriculture, Nature and FoodQuality and the Municipality ofWestvoorne. <strong>The</strong> plans for theconstruction, planning, andoperation and their expectedeffects on the environment havebeen studied extensively in twoenvironmental re<strong>port</strong>s:the Milieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>age Aanleg(Environmental Impact AssessmentConstruction, MER A) and theMilieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>ageBestemming (Environmental ImpactAssessment Zoning, MER B).PROJECTORGANISATIEMAASVLAKTEPROJECTORGANISATIEMAASVLAKTEMAASVLAKTEMAASVLAKTEMilieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>Milieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>BIJLAGE RECREATIEF MEDEGEBRUIKMilieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>Milieueffectrap<strong>port</strong>BIJLAGE MILIEUKWALITEITBIJLAGE ARCHEOLOGIEBIJLAGE GELUID-00056_omslag_A_PP.indd 6 03-04-2007 11:38:12-00056_omslag_AB.indd 3 03-04-2007 11:35:31-00056_omslag_A_PP.indd 3 03-04-2007 11:37:46

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