Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

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59morphology, benthos (organismson the sea floor), coastal birdsand seabirds, user functions inthe sea area (cables, pipelines,and fishery), silt trans<strong>port</strong>, andphysical and ecologicalparameters in the dune areas.Baseline measurements havebeen carried out since 2004.<strong>The</strong>se measurements will berounded off as soon asconstruction commences.Standing by the agreements<strong>The</strong> Project Organization<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 already invitedvarious conservation andenvironmental organisations toconsult on the elaboration of theimplementation of the agreementsregarding all projects covered bythe Rotterdam Main<strong>port</strong> DevelopmentProject. <strong>The</strong> organizationstrives to create as wide a sup<strong>port</strong>base as possible, to reachagreements, and to be accountablefor its work. In the course of 2008,this already led to the signing of apartnership agreement withVereniging Natuurmonumenten(Society for the Preservationof Nature in the Netherlands),Stichting Duinbeleid (DunePolicy Association), StichtingZuid-Hollands Landschap(<strong>The</strong> South Holland LandscapeAssociation), and Zuid-HollandseMilieufederatie (EnvironmentalFederation South Holland). Thisagreement also involved variouspartners of the Rotterdam Main<strong>port</strong>Development Project, includingthe Municipality of Rotterdam.More interest groups are expectedto join the partnership.

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