Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

Maasvlakte 2 The sustainable port (pdf, 6427Kb)

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SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT53<strong>The</strong> new <strong>port</strong> area needs to havegood accessibility, both by landand water. However, its overlandaccessibility (via the A15 andA4 motorways) is already underpressure. With or without thedevelopment of <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2,Truck haulage,shipping, rail,and equipmentcommuter, commercial, andrecreational traffic are allexpected to increase further.In 2033, <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 will resultin some 29,100 vehicle runs per24 hours. Two thirds of this will befreight trans<strong>port</strong>. <strong>The</strong> effect onthe region is not too bad, though:around the Vaanplein junction, thecontribution of <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 will benot more than 2% of the total traffic(4,400 of the 176,500 motor vehicleruns) and 6% of the lorry traffic(3,200 of the 52,100 runs). Despitethe limited impact of <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2on the traffic problems, improvingaccessibility is high on the PortAuthority’s agenda. To guaranteeeffective traffic circulation and limittraffic nuisance and negativeenvironmental effects, the PortAuthority will be taking variousmeasures. <strong>The</strong> most im<strong>port</strong>ant hasalready been discussed earlier:the Modal Shift. This measurewill require container terminals at<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 to trans<strong>port</strong> morecargo by means of inland shippingand railway trans<strong>port</strong> and lesscargo by means of trucks: from47% in 2005 to 35% in 2033.More options in the field of publictrans<strong>port</strong> for employees andvisitors are currently beingconsidered. A number ofcompanies are already workingtogether to set up a joint trans<strong>port</strong>service, for example.Truck haulageEnvironmental zone<strong>The</strong> Municipality of Rotterdam willestablish an environmental zonefor the existing <strong>Maasvlakte</strong> and<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2. Trucks whoseemission levels of nitrogen oxideand airborne particulate matter aretoo high will not be allowed in thisarea. Only those trucks with thecleanest engines will be grantedaccess to the <strong>Maasvlakte</strong>.This environmental zone willbe introduced in 2013, when<strong>Maasvlakte</strong> 2 is taken intooperation. This measure will alsolead to a reduction in emissionlevels in all other locationsfrequented by these trucks.ReguleringBesides the establishment of anenvironmental zone, additionalmeasures are being reviewed thatcan help regulate the traffic.For example, the Port Authority isinvestigating, in collaboration withthe Municipality of Rotterdam andthe Directorate-General for PublicWorks and Water Management(Rijkswaterstaat), whether it ispossible to ban trucks from thestretches of the A15 and A4motorways in the Rotterdam areaduring the morning and eveningrush hours. This startling measureoffers two advantages: drivingoutside of the rush hours willbenefit road capacity as well as airquality. During rush hours, whena truck is driving on a congestedroad, it emits three times as muchcarbon as when it is driving atnormal speed. In addition, it is

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