Model Y/11DM Pneumatic Differential Pressure ... - Yokogawa

Model Y/11DM Pneumatic Differential Pressure ... - Yokogawa

Model Y/11DM Pneumatic Differential Pressure ... - Yokogawa


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A-1Appendix 1. 80A <strong>Pneumatic</strong> Amplifier(Part No. F9138YA)The function of the pneumatic amplifier is toconvert a small change in the input signal (anair pressure signal) to a large change in theoutput signal. Typically a 0.07 kgf/cm 2 (0.07 bar,7 kPa, or 1 psi) change in the input will produceapproximately a 0.8 kgf/cm 2 (0.8 bar, 80 kPa, or 12psi) change in the output.A1.1 Principles of OperationThe air supply enters the pneumatic amplifierthrough a port on the surface of the instrument onwhich the amplifier is mounted. The input signal(nozzle pressure) enters the amplifier throughanother port and acts on the diaphragm. Since thestem valve is mounted on the diaphragm, the twomove in unison.As the input signal increases, the stem pushesagainst a ball valve which in turn moves a flatspring, allowing the supply air to enter the amplifierbody. Further motion of the stem valve, causes itto close off the exhaust port. Thus, when the inputpressure increases, the stem (exhaust) valvecloses and the supply valve opens; when the inputdecreases, the stem valve opens and the supplyvalve closes. This varies the pressure to the output.Flat springmounting screwA1.2 Cleaning the <strong>Pneumatic</strong>AmplifierShould the pneumatic amplifier require cleaning,remove it from the instrument. Loosen the twocover screws and the spring mounting screw todisassemble the pneumatic amplifier. Clean thedisassembled parts with a suitable solvent (do notallow solvent to contact the gasket) and dry themcarefully with compressed air. When reassemblingthe pneumatic amplifier, all corresponding holesmust line up and all outside edges must coincidewith other edge of the amplifier body casting.Tighten all screws.CoverscrewCoverFigure A2.GasketDiaphragmBodyExploded ViewCAUTIONBallFlat spring Flat springmounting screwF002.aiInputBall valveSupply airOutputExhaustDiaphragmFlat springExhaust valveStem valveSupply air valveAfter reassembling the amplifier, perform acalibration with the calibrator. (Refer to sectionA1.3)Tension adjustmentF001.aiFigure A1.Cross Sectional ViewIM02C01B06-01E

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