CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club

CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club

CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club


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<strong>West</strong> <strong>Adelaide</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 2011 - Further InformationMembershipAll players selected in the Under 16 Squad are required to pay a membership fee of $65for the season. Payable before April 19 (round 4)All players selected in the U.18 Centre of Excellence Squad are required to pay amembership fee of $ 75 for the season. Payable before April 25 (round 5)This level of membership does not entitle the holder to voting rights at the <strong>Club</strong> AnnualGeneral Meeting.Player WelfareThe <strong>Club</strong> has a sub-committee to assist with player welfare issues. Members of the subcommitteeinclude the Talent Manager, General Manager – <strong>Football</strong> Operations andboard membersThe aim of the sub-committee is to assist players in the following areas: Obtaining employment Preparation for job interviews EducationFor assistance speak with the Talent Manager.Treatment of InjuriesAny injuries sustained whilst training or playing matches with the <strong>Club</strong> must be reportedto the Training Staff.Players injured on match days will receive treatment and instructions for furthertreatment from the Training Staff.The <strong>Club</strong> Head Trainer or <strong>Club</strong> Medical Officer must first approve all referrals toSpecialists or other Medical Practitioners for any injury requiring further assessment ortreatment. Failure to seek or gain this approval may result in non-payment of expensesincurred.Medical RoomThe medical room is specifically for the treatment of injuries only. Players are requestednot to use the medical room for any other purpose.This rule will be strictly enforced in the interests of those administering treatment and theplayers receiving it.The medical room phone is for use of the Training Staff only.9

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