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Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide


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What the Bible is All About for WomenA Book of 66 DevotionsISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.44060US $14.99 • 224 pages5.25 x 8 • Trade PaperWhat the Bible is All About Visual EditionISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.43292US $22.99 • 448 pages5.875 x 7.75 • OtherWhat the Bible is All About for Young ExplorersISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.23638US $16.99 • 368 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperReading What the Bible is All About for Women is likesitting in a coffee shop with a good friend havinga chat about the Bible over a cup of coffee. LisaHarper connects with readers through humor andher straightforward style combined with theologicalsubstance to offer a devotional, which is an enjoyableread and a helpful guide for spiritual growth. Inspiredby Henrietta Mears’ classic, What the Bible is All Aboutfor Women helps women discover what makesthem the objects of God’s affection. Readers will becompelled to pursue a more passionate and honestrelationship with God through His Word.Henrietta Mears’ timeless classic has been beautifullyredesigned and carefully abridged for this sleeker,more reader-friendly edition. Still a comprehensiveoverview of God’s Word, What the Bible Is All About VisualEdition is now illustrated with more than 500 fullcolorgraphics, including maps, charts, timelines andphotographs depicting life in the Holy Land as wellas actual locations of the events of the Bible. Includesa complete glossary for easy word identification. Theperfect gift for Bible lovers of all ages!Encourage your children to learn more about theirBibles with this revised, updated and kid-friendly bookbased on the timeless classic Bible handbook Whatthe Bible Is All About by Henrietta Mears.Written infresh, contemporary style and featuring new articles,maps, charts and illustrations, this book will help reinforcethe Bible skills that kids need to grow in Christ.It’s a unique resource for both children and teachersthat shows how everything from Genesis to Revelationfits together according to God’s perfect plan!What the Bible Says About Healthy Living3 Principles that will Change Your Dietand Improve Your HealthISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.43490US $16.99 • 288 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperIn a world infatuated with junk food and fad diets,why have we overlooked the simple instructionsprovided in the Bible that have guided people forthousands of years toward better health? You don’thave to be Jewish or a Christian to find wisdom forhealthier living in this doctor’s scripturally based bookon eating and feeling better, and living longer. You’lllearn the truth about grains and nuts, and the ins andouts of meat, fat and sweeteners. The principles herewill help anyone find energy, freedom from illness andmore vibrant health.What’s Right With the ChurchA Manifesto of HopeISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.51341US $17.99 • 224 pages5.5 x 8.5 • HardcoverThrough the centuries, the church has been the mostpowerful transforming force in history. Yet in Americamany observe it as anemic and powerless. AuthorElmer Towns contends that there is good news; thereare many things that are still right with the church.What Is Right With the Church affirms the positivethings that are present in the church today, and whatwill carry it forward as a transforming force, no matterthe expression, history or culture.When God DisappearsFinding Hope When Your CircumstancesSeem ImpossibleISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.46606US $17.99 • 208 pages5.5 x 8.5 • HardcoverIn six very special encounters recorded in the <strong>Gospel</strong>s,Jesus addressed the too much and the too latescenarios of our lives. Pastor, teacher and authorShane Stanford brings these meetings vividly to life,offering a glimpse of Jesus’ passion for restoring theunrestorable. As a hemophiliac who lives with HIVand hepatitis-C, Stanford has deeply and personallyexperienced the too much and the too late of life, andrecognizes his own story in these six appointmentswith Jesus. In When God Disappears, he helps us todo the same: to see ourselves in these messy, all toohumanJesus encounters.92 To order, contact your <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Light</strong> representative or call 1-800-4-GOSPEL (1-800-446-7735)

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