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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continuedof rights to light - a subjectnotorious for generating frictionbetween building ownersor occupiers. Based onsummaries of rights to lightcases with commentary bythe expert authors, this bookmakes a difficult area of caselaw accessible and readilyapplicable to practical situationsany undergraduate tort lawcourse. Students are encouragedto understand and applythe principles of tort laweffectively throughout andparticular attention is paidto the context within whichthe law is evolving, makingthese topics both accessibleand enjoyable.indexes, case tables and legislationfinding lists.Harpwood, Vivian, ModernTort Law 7th ed,Routledge-Cavendish, Paperback,£24.99, ISBN:9780415458467This is a comprehensive,accessible and up-to-dateintroduction to the law oftorts. Now in its seventh edition,Vivienne Harpwood’spopular, student-friendlytext explains the principlesof all aspects of tort law in alively and thought-provokingmanner. The broad coverageof modern tort law makesthis an ideal textbook for10 WILDY’S BOOK NEWSHeaton, David, CCH BritishTax Guide: NationalInsurance Contributions2008-09, CCH Editions,Paperback, £91.95, ISBN:9781847980311This book contains a fullcommentary on this complextax. Containing exhaustivecross-references to legislation,cases and official guidancemanuals, this handbookis also designed to remainpractical for everyday use. Itcontains numerous workedexamples throughout togetherwith extensive topicHess, Burkhardt; Pfeiffer,Thomas; Schlosser, Peter,The Brussels I Regulation44/2001: Applicationand Enforcement inthe EU, Hart Publishing,Hardback, £66.00, ISBN:9781841139012This Report, by well-knownGerman professors of lawHess, Pfeiffer, and Schlosser,provides a comprehensiveanalysis of the applicationof the Judgment Regulationin the Member States, basedon interviews, statistics andpractical research in the filesof the national courts. TheReport concludes that theRegulation does not requirefundamental amendment,but that several improvementsshould be considered,especially with regard to

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