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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continuedtextbook, it contains extractsfrom over 200 British and ECcases, together with Britishand European legislativeprovisions and excerpts fromReports, Command Papersand other sources.Prest, Wilfred, WilliamBlackstone: Law and Lettersin the Eighteenth Century,Oxford University Press,Hardback, £29.99, ISBN:9780199550296Lawyer, judge, politician,poet, teacher, and architect,William Blackstone was amajor figure in eighteenthcentury public life. Over hisvaried and brilliant careerhe made profound contributionsto English politics,law, education, and culturethrough involvements inlegal practice, Parliament,and the University of Oxford.Throughout he also remainedengaged in his society’s literaryand spiritual life. Thepresent biography makes fulluse of a considerable bodyof new evidence that hasemerged in recent years toshed light on the life, work,and times of this neglectedfigure in English and Americanhistory. Exploring Blackstone’sfamily upbringingand private life, his politicalactivities and ideology, hisreligious outlook and championingof the enlightenment,Prest weaves together thethreads of an extraordinarymind and career.Pricewaterhouse Coopers, APractical Guide to the CompaniesAct 2006: A Guide forBusy Directors and CompanySecretaries, CCH Editions,Paperback, £85.00, ISBN:9781841409894This new book gives clearand practical guidance tothe Companies Act 2006.It offers a unique approach- looking at the new Actfrom the viewpoint of thecommercial executive andbusiness adviser rather thanas a review of legislation forthe legal practitioner.Ramraj, Victor, Emergenciesand the Limits of Legality,Cambridge University Press,Hardback, £55.00, ISBN:9780521895996OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2008 23

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