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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – ContinuedPrinciples of InternationalCommercial Contracts, andthe Principles of EuropeanContract Law. The issuesaddressed in the book include:the basis for the rightto claim damages, definitionand purpose of damages, theidea of limiting damages,principles underlying theaward of damages, classificationof losses and heads ofrecoverable losses, causation,foreseeability, mitigation,standards of proving lossesand methods of calculatingand determining the amountof damages. The book drawson the experience of somemajor legal systems in dealingwith contract damages aswell as on the body of casesand scholarly writings on theinternational instruments. Indoing so, the book attemptsto provide a justification forthe existing rules on damages,highlights the problemsin their interpretation andapplication, and proposes solutionsto the existing problemsin the light of relevantpolicies and goals pursued bythe international instruments.The work will be of interestto practitioners involved ininternational commercialtransactions, scholars andstudents interested in internationalcommercial andcomparative contract law.Schooten, International Governanceand Law: State Regulationand Non-state Law,Edward Elgar PublishingLimited, Hardback, £59.95,ISBN: 9781847207272In this book, internationalscholars in various fields oflaw, as well as socio-legalstudies, address the questionto what extent non-state lawcurrently influences stateregulation, and what the consequencesof non-state laware likely to be for state regulation.Drawing lessons forthe state legislature and stateregulators, this innovativebook will be of great interestto academic researchers andpost graduate students in thefields of law, regulation, legalsociology, legal theory, lawand economics, and environmentallaw.Schwarz, Jonathan, Booth:Residence, Domicile and UKTaxation 2008/2009 12th ed,Tottel Publishing Ltd, Paperback+ eBook, £136.25,ISBN: 9781847661289How to navigate the latesttax rules that affect youroverseas clients. Whetherindividual, partnership, trustor limited company, this keybook enables you to quicklyand accurately define yourclient’s status under UK taxlaw. Now featuring a newauthor, leading tax barristerJonathan Schwarz, this new2008/09 edition incorporatesthe key legislation includingthe Finance Act 2008 and theIncome Tax Act 2008. Withpractical examples, stepby-stepadvice and expertguidance, it will ensure yourclients are meeting their fullUK tax liabilities.OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2008 27

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