Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route – education kit - National ...

Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route – education kit - National ...

Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route – education kit - National ...

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Activities for Visual Arts1 Many of the paintings in this exhibitionwere the result of a collaboration betweenartists. Ask students to think about which ismore important in a collaborative work: thefinal artwork or the process of making theartwork? How can the viewer tell whethera single ‘voice’ has been used or whetherthe painting has multiple voices and ideas?Ask students to record their thoughts tothese questions.Divide the class into groups of 3–6 studentsand have each group work on a collaborativeart project which explores their ownenvironment. Have students use digital mediato document the project. Questions they mayconsider are:• How did they choose what media to use?• How did they arrive at a shared idea or visionof what the artwork would be?• How did they divide up the project?• Did everyone in the group feel theycontributed equally?Have students present their artwork anddocumentation to the class.2 As a class, have students brainstorm aboutidentity and the things that shape identity.Thinking about the class as a community, howdo students identify themselves as part of thiscommunity? Using an interactive white boardand computer software invent visual and soundsymbols that relate to this community. UseGoogle Earth to locate your school. Find othersymbols that can be seen from this perspective.Using these symbols ask students to createtheir own painting showing how they relate tothis community. As they create their artworkhave them consider composition, visualbalance, pattern and repetition and theuse of colour.3 Discuss the significance of place withstudents. Have them think about where theywere born, where their grandparents camefrom and any special places where importantactivities take place. Ask students to collectphotographs of places that are important tothem. Have them use these photographs tocreate a piece of art.4 Have students view the two paintingsMinyipuru 2007 by Muni Rita Simpson, RosieWilliams and Dulcie Gibbs and Kumpupirntily2008 by Yunkurra Billy Atkins. <strong>The</strong>se storiesrelate to beliefs held in relation to the Jukurrpa.Have students collect images that show storiesthat relate to beliefs held by a variety of peoplearound the world. As a class project create anartwork that shows the diversityof beliefs around the world.5 Have students view the two paintings<strong>Canning</strong> <strong>Stock</strong> <strong>Route</strong> Country 2007, by PatrickTjungurrayi and Tiwa 2008, by Lily Long. Usingthe interactive whiteboard look up the <strong>Canning</strong><strong>Stock</strong> <strong>Route</strong> on Google Earth. Compare theaerial perspective with these paintings. Askstudents if they can work out what featuresof the country are important to these artists.Ask students to construct a collage of theirown environment which features things thatare important to them.6 Using the <strong>The</strong>me Sheet Juju: Telling ourstories through painting, song & dance, discusswith students the use of visual art other thanpainting to express identity. Have studentsmake a piece of 3-dimensional art that is anexpression of their identity.

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