DIRTY PANTIES ...and other thrilling tales of my sex ... - Lannie Rose

DIRTY PANTIES ...and other thrilling tales of my sex ... - Lannie Rose

DIRTY PANTIES ...and other thrilling tales of my sex ... - Lannie Rose

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Section 1 - <strong>Lannie</strong>’s Adventures - 9how cute I looked, <strong>and</strong> to check surreptitiously whether I wasattracting any unwanted attention. Well, I should have beenlooking straight ahead, because a fellow walked right up <strong>and</strong>started talking to me. He was almost as tall as me, lanky, <strong>and</strong>appeared to be in his mid-thirties. He wore his curly, blonde hairrather short <strong>and</strong> had probably not b<strong>other</strong>ed to comb it when heskipped shaving that morning. He was clad in jeans <strong>and</strong> a T-shirt, your basic Saturday casual attire. A weak chin <strong>and</strong> a verynervous attitude detracted from his <strong>other</strong>wise good looks.“Excuse me, do you know where I can find a decentrestaurant?” he asked, without making direct eye contact.“No!” I snapped as I tried to make <strong>my</strong> way briskly past him.“So are you just out shopping?” he persisted.“Yes.”“Would you like to have lunch or maybe a drink?”“No.”“So I guess you just want to be left alone?”“Yes!” While he stood there a little bit stunned by thebluntness <strong>of</strong> <strong>my</strong> reply, I managed to get past him <strong>and</strong> flee into thesanctuary <strong>of</strong> a nearby Sears store.Using the oldest dodge in the book, I located the women’srestroom <strong>and</strong> went in. I stayed a little longer than necessary. AsI left the restroom area, I carefully scouted <strong>my</strong> environs. Thepesky guy was nowhere to be seen. To further obscure <strong>my</strong> trail, Itook the escalator down to the ground floor, where I convenientlyfound <strong>my</strong>self in the women’s clothing department. I lookedaround <strong>and</strong> saw neither the guy nor any clothes that appealed tome.As I headed back out into the mall, I was startled to find theguy suddenly walking in lock step next to me. He had cleverlystaked out the women’s clothing department, figuring I wouldwind up there.“Oh, here’s <strong>my</strong> stalker again!” I said brightly to him.This seemed to take him aback, as he apparently hadn’trealized he was stalking me. After a moment he regained whatlittle composure he had ever had. In a low, confidential voice, he

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