McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers

McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers

McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers


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232 CAG DIRECTORY / L’ANNUAIRE DE L’ACGheat island assessment’ <strong>The</strong> Geographical Bulletin 51(2), 85-96*SHIELDS, J., 2 MURNAGHAN, A., KELLY, P. and 2 LEMOINE, M. 2010 Job satisfaction by immigrant statusand period <strong>of</strong> immigration: How satisfied are immigrants with their current jobs and the pay andbenefits <strong>of</strong> these jobs? (Toronto: Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative [TIEDI], AnalyticalReport 12)⎯⎯⎯ , *PHAN, M., *YANG, F., KELLY, P., 2 LEMOINE, M., LO, L., PRESTON, V. and TUFTS, S. 2010Do immigrant class and gender affect labour market outcomes for immigrants? (Toronto: TorontoImmigrant Employment Date Initiative [TIEDI], Analytical Report 2)⎯⎯⎯ , *PHAN, M., *YANG, F., KELLY, P., 2 LEMOINE, M., LO, L., PRESTON, V. and TUFTS, S. 2010Does returning to school affect after immigration affect labour market outcomes for immigrants?(Toronto: Toronto Immigrant Employment Date Initiative [TIEDI], Analytical Report 9)2 SIDDIQUI, A. and ROBERT, A. 2010 ‘Thresholds <strong>of</strong> erosion and sediment movement in bedrock channels’Geomorphology 118, 301-313*SPERLING, C.D. and LORTIE, C.J. 2010 ‘<strong>The</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> urban backgardens on plant and invertebraterecruitment: a field microcosm experiment’ Urban Ecosystems 13, 223-235TANK, S.E., *LESACK, L.F.W. and *HESSLEIN, R.H. 2009 ‘Northern delta lakes as summertime CO 2absorbers within the arctic landscape’ Ecosystems 12, 144-157⎯⎯⎯ , *LESACK, L.F.W. and *MCQUEEN, D.J. 2009 ‘Elevated pH regulates bacterial carbon cycling inlakes with high photosynthetic activity’ Ecology 90, 1910-1922TUFTS, S. 2010 ‘Schumpeterian unionism and ‘high-road’ dreams in Toronto’s hospitality sector’ in MissingLinks in Labour Geographies ed A.C. Bergene, S.B. Endresen and H. Merete (Farnham: AshgatePublishing) 83-97⎯⎯⎯ and *HOLMES, J. 2010 ‘Student workers and the new economy <strong>of</strong> mid-sized cities: <strong>The</strong> cases <strong>of</strong>Peterborough and Kingston’ in Interrogating the New Economy ed N. Pupo and M. Thomas(Toronto: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto Press) 129-147⎯⎯⎯ , *DAMSBAEK, N., *PHAN, M., KELLY, P., 2 LEMOINE, M., LO, L., *SHIELDS, J. and PRESTON,V. 2010 Does self-reported English and French speaking ability affect labour market outcomes forimmigrants? (Toronto: Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative [TIEDI], Analytical Report 6)⎯⎯⎯ , 2 LEMOINE, M., *PHAN, M., KELLY, P., LO, L., PRESTON, V. and *SHIELDS, J. 2010 What arethe labour market outcomes for immigrants planning to work in regulated and unregulatedoccupations? (Toronto: Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative [TIEDI], Analytical Report 5)*WAIZENEGGER, A. and HYNDMAN, J. 2010 ‘Two solitudes: post-tsunami & post-conflict Aceh’ Disasters34(3), 787-808WARKENTIN, J. ed 2010 So Vast and Various: Interpreting Canada’s Regions in the Nineteenth andTwentieth Centuries (Montreal: <strong>McGill</strong>-Queen’s <strong>University</strong> Press)⎯⎯⎯ 2010 ‘Bernard Victor Gutsell’ <strong>The</strong> <strong>Canadian</strong> Geographer 54(4), 507-508⎯⎯⎯ 2010 Creating Memory: A Guide to Outdoor Public Sculpture in Toronto (Toronto: BeckerAssociates)⎯⎯⎯ 2010 ‘Every floor looked like the basement’ in Reflections on the History <strong>of</strong> Geography at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto ed V. Maclaren and G. Gad (Toronto: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto Department <strong>of</strong>Geography and Program in Planning) 98-100⎯⎯⎯ 2010 ‘<strong>The</strong> earthly subject in schools and the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto before Taylor’ in Reflections onthe History <strong>of</strong> Geography at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto ed V. Maclaren and G. Gad (Toronto:<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto Department <strong>of</strong> Geography and Program in Planning) 1-11*WOO, M-K., YOUNG, K.L. and 2 BROWN, L. 2010 ‘Wetlands <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Canadian</strong> Arctic and the potentialeffects <strong>of</strong> climatic warming’ in Water Sustainability: A Global Perspective ed J.A.A. Jones (London:Hodder Education) 110-112WOOD, J.D. 2010 ‘Critical phases in the evolution <strong>of</strong> conservation philosophy and practice in Ontario,Canada, 1910-1950' in Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 14 th International Conference <strong>of</strong> HistoricalGeogoraphers, Kyoto, 2009 ed A. Kinda, T. Komeie, S. Minamide, T. Mizoguchi and K. Uesugi(Kyoto: Kyoto <strong>University</strong> Press) 179-180WOOD, P.B. 2010 ‘A cartographic portrait <strong>of</strong> the in-between city’ with maps by R. Fiedler in In-BetweenInfrastructure: Urban Connectivity in an Age <strong>of</strong> Vulnerability ed D. Young, P.B. Wood and R. Keil(Kelowna, BC: Praxis (e) Press) 29-48⎯⎯⎯ and *WORTLEY, S. 2010 AlieNation: Racism, Injustice and Other Obstacles to Full Citizenship(Toronto: CERIS Ontario Metropolis Centre Working Paper Series)

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