McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers

McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers

McGill University - The Canadian Association of Geographers


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72 CAG DIRECTORY / L’ANNUAIRE DE L’ACGCOBURN, C.A., VAN GAALEN, K.E., PEDDLE, D.R. and FLANAGAN, L.B. 2010 ‘Anisotropic reflectanceeffects on spectral indices for estimating ecophysiological parameters using a portablegoniometer system’ <strong>Canadian</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Remote Sensing 36(Suppl. 2), 355-364DUK-RODKIN, A., BARENDREGT, R.W. and WHITE, J.R.W. 2010 ‘An extensive late Cenozoic terrestrialrecord <strong>of</strong> multiple glaciations preserved in the Tintina Trench <strong>of</strong> west central Yukon: stratigraphy,paleomagnetism, paleosols and pollen’ <strong>Canadian</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Earth Sciences 47, 1003-1028GAMON, J.A., COBURN, C.A., FLANAGAN, L.B., HUEMMRICH, K.F., KIDDLES, C., SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, G.A, THAYER, D.R., VESCOVO, L., GIANELLE, D., SIMS, D.A., RAHMAN, A.F. andPASTORELLO, G.Z. 2010 ‘SpecNet revisited: Bridging flux and remote sensing communities(Review Paper)’ <strong>Canadian</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Remote Sensing 36(Suppl. 2), 376-390LETTS, M.G., JOHNSON, D.R.E. and COBURN, C.A. 2010 ‘Drought stress ecophysiology <strong>of</strong> grass andshrub functional groups on opposing slopes <strong>of</strong> a temperate grassland valley Botony 88(9), 850-866⎯⎯⎯ , *MULLIGAN, M., *RINCON-ROMERO, M.E. and *BRUIJNZEEL, L.A. 2010 ‘Environmentalcontrols on leaf photosynthetic rate in a tropical montane cloud forest <strong>of</strong> southwest Colombia’ inTropical Montane Cloud Forests: Science for Conservation and Management ed L.A. Bruinzeel,F.N. Scatena and L.S. Hamilton (Cambridge: Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, UNESCO InternationalHydrology Series) 465-478MAHANEY, W.C., KAPRAN, B., KALM, V., TRICART, P., CARCAILLET, C., BLARQUEZ, O., MILNER,M.W., BARENDREGT, R.W. and SOMELAR, P. 2010 ‘<strong>The</strong> Traversette Rockfall:Geomorphological reconstruction and importance in interpreting classical history’ Archaeometry52, 156-72⎯⎯⎯ , TRICART, P., CARCAILLET, C., BLARQUEZ, O., ALI, B., ARGANT, J., BARENDREGT, R.W.and KALM, V. 2010 ‘Hannibal’s invasion route: an age-old questions revisited within ageoarchaeological and paleobotanical context’ Archaeometry 52, 1096-1109⎯⎯⎯ , TRICART, P., KAPRAN, B., BARENDREGT, R.W., CARCAILLET, C., RRABUFETTI, D. andKALM, V. 2010 ‘Debris flow burial <strong>of</strong> ancient wall system in the Upper Po River Valley’ GeologyToday 96, 187-193*MISSON, L., *LIMOUSIN, J.M., *RIDRUGYEZ, R. and LETTS, M.G. 2010 ‘Leaf physiological responseto extreme drought in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest’ Plant Cell & Environment 33(11),1898-1910*NIELSEN, J.L., *ROOD, S.B., *PEARCE, D.W., LETTS, M.G. and JISKOOT, H. 2010 ‘Streamside trees:responses <strong>of</strong> male, female and hybrid cottonwoods to flooding’ Tree Physiology 30(12), 1479-1488PEDDLE, D.R., BOON, S., GLOVER, A.P. and *HALL, F.G. 2010 ‘Forest structure without ground data:adaptive full-blind multiple forward-mode canopy reflectance model inversion with applications ina mountain pine beetle damaged forest’ International Journal <strong>of</strong> Remote Sensing 31(8), 2123-2128*ROOD, S.B., *NIELSEN, J.L., SHENTON, L., *GILL, K.M. and LETTS, M.G. 2010 ‘Effects <strong>of</strong> flooding onleaf development, transpiration and photosynthesis in narrowleaf cottonwood, a willow-like poplar’Photosynthesis Research 104(1), 31-39SOENEN, S.A., PEDDLE, D.R., HALL, R.J., COBURN, C.A. and HALL, F.G. 2010 ‘Estimatingaboveground forest biomass from canopy reflectance model inversion in mountainous terrain’Remote Sensing <strong>of</strong> Environment 114(7), 1325-1337, DOI:10.1016/ j.rse.2009.12.012*VARHOLA, A., *COOPS, N.C., *BATER, C.W., *TETI, P., BOON, S. and *WEILER, M. 2010 ‘<strong>The</strong>influence <strong>of</strong> ground and LiDar-derived forest structure metrics on snow accumulation and ablationin disturbed forests’ <strong>Canadian</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Forest Research 40:812-821*WINKLER, R. and BOON, S. 2010 ‘<strong>The</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> mountain pine beetle attack on snow accumulationand ablation: a synthesis <strong>of</strong> ongoing research in British Columbia’ Streamline WatershedManagement Bulleting 13(2), 25-31⎯⎯⎯ , BOON, S., *ZIMONICK, B. and *BALESHTA, K. 2010 ‘Assessing the effects <strong>of</strong> post pine beetleforest little on snow albedo’ Hydrological Processes 24(6), 803-812

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