System Requirement Document (SRD) - H-SAF

System Requirement Document (SRD) - H-SAF

System Requirement Document (SRD) - H-SAF


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H -<strong>SAF</strong><strong>System</strong> <strong>Requirement</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Doc. No: <strong>SAF</strong>/H<strong>SAF</strong>/<strong>SRD</strong>/2.1Issue: Version 2.1Date: 20/06/2008Page: 56/102DescriptionCommentProduct SN-OBS-2 shall provide a flag reporting snow status parameter(dry/wet)This product shall not be merged with ananalogous product on mountainousareas, as instead foreseen for the otherthree flat/forested productsVerification TSR-33060-FUN-PRG Level Component SPDescriptionCommentThe system shall produce at FMI the “effective snow cover by VIS/IRradiometry” (SN-OBS-3a) observation product in flat/forested areaVerification TSR-33065-FUN-PRG Level Component SPDescriptionCommentThe system shall produce at FMI the “snow water equivalent by MWradiometry” (SN-OBS-4a) observation product in flat/forested areaVerification TSR-33070-FUN-PRG Level Component SPDescriptionCommentResolution of SN-OBS-1a product shall be 2 kmVerification TSR-33080-FUN-PRG Level Component SPDescriptionCommentResolution of SN-OBS-2 product shall be 10 kmVerification TSR-33090-FUN-PRG Level Component SPDescriptionCommentResolution of SN-OBS-3a product shall be 5 KmVerification T

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