Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu

Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu

Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu


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Director of Medical Education <strong>Report</strong> continuedAccreditationAs indicated in last year’s report, <strong>2011</strong> has seen theeventual sign off on a new accreditation process. Thishas been agreed on by both the RACGP and ACRRMand means that <strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> will now be responsible forthe whole process of teaching practice accreditation fornew and existing practices, although the final ratificationlies with the respective colleges. Therefore, there will bea rolling series of practice visits for this purpose over athree year period and information collected throughout thetraining program will be used to continuously ensure thataccreditation standards are met.Registrar SuccessesIn <strong>2011</strong>, there were a total of 23 registrars who passed allsegments of the RACGP examinations and we congratulateall those successful registrars. A congratulatory dinner andpresentation was held recently to celebrate this success.Special mention should be made of Dr David Bursill whowas awarded the top marks and prize in the first set ofexams and to Dr Celia Tildesley who won a secondaryaward in the second exam for <strong>2011</strong> for the highest scorein the AKT in the South Australian and Northern Territoryregions.The overall success rate remains very high despiteincreased numbers of registrars entering the program.Of note is the award from the AMA(SA) to Dr Rick Fielkewho won their President Award for outstanding service.Well done Rick.Selection Centres<strong>2011</strong> saw the introduction of a new process which wasused Australia wide for registrar selection into the trainingprogram.This consisted of a written test (Situational Judgment Test)and an interview done on the same day. The sections wereundertaken at selection centres and the interviewers werenot aware of which training provider a potential registrarhad applied to join. This was a successful process in SouthAustralia but required greatly increased staff workloadsand there was much dissatisfaction around the countryat several aspects of the process, not least of which wasthe decision not to allow the requested training provider tointerview their own applicants.The process will not be changed in 2012.PGPPPThe PGPP Program continues to expand. <strong>2011</strong> sawchanges to the program with an increase in the orientationprogram from a half day to a full day event and a simulationworkshop was also made available. Dr Ian McCombe andAlison Day managed the program very effectively and weanticipate further growth in the program over the next fewyears.International Medical Graduates<strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> continues to offer exam preparation supportto International Medical Graduates through a contractwith the Rural Doctors Workforce Agency. The programexpanded further through <strong>2011</strong> and there have been somesuccesses in fellowship achievement for several of theseGPs. The program will further expand and we rely on the16 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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