Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu

Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu

Annual Report 2011 - Sturt Fleurieu


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At a Glance <strong>2011</strong>Excellence in medicine and general practice...is delivered through exclusive <strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> training and educationalmaterial developed from the most recognised and awardedprogram in the country.…Oversubscribed with GP Training applicationsThere was an encouraging response from applicants who selected<strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> as their AGPT training provider of choice for 2012. Wereceived 51 applications for 38 general practice training positions....CEO profiled in Medical ObserverOur CEO, Dr Bruce Mugford was profiled as a Health Industryidentity in the November edition of Medical Observer.His profile discusses medical student advice, curing diseases, andphilosophical principles which inform his work.…Medical EducatorPublished in MedicalJournal of Australia<strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> Medical Educator,Dr Nyoli Valentine, made hermark in the medical field withdetails of her diabetes researchpublished in the March editionof the Medical Journal ofAustralia (MJA).Nyoli found testing glycatedhemoglobin (HbA1c) levelsusing blood samples takenfrom all adult patients admittedto hospital was a simple, costeffectivescreening test fordiabetes detection.…Breakthrough StrokeResearchFormer <strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> registrar,Dr Elaine Leung, undertook herPhD research in Stroke andTIA (transient ischemic attacks)patient management.<strong>Sturt</strong> <strong>Fleurieu</strong> has partiallyfunded Elaine’s ongoingresearch which was conductedat the Basil Hetzel Institute atthe Queen Elizabeth Hospitalcampus. Elaine has developeda systematic approach forpatients presenting withneurological symptomsincluding a five minuteneurological examination,stroke therapy updates, TIAassessments and managementstrategies.2 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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