chapter vi works, tenders and contracts - Rajasthan State Road ...

chapter vi works, tenders and contracts - Rajasthan State Road ...

chapter vi works, tenders and contracts - Rajasthan State Road ...


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6.11.6 The application for granting extension in completion period shouldbe given by the contractor within 30 days of the occurrence of hindrance inexecution of work but before the expiry of stipulated completion period/spanwisecompletion period. However, conditional extension in completion periodmay be granted by the RE before expiry of the stipulated date of completion so asto keep the contract alive but reser<strong>vi</strong>ng the right to impose compensation later.6.11.7 The time allowed for carrying out the work is to be reckoned fromthe 10 th day after the date of written order to commence the work given to thecontractor. If the contractor does not commence the work within the periodspecified in the work order, the earnest money of the contractor may be forfeitedafter gi<strong>vi</strong>ng him show cause notice. In addition to this, the contractor may bedebarred from taking part in future <strong>tenders</strong> floated by RSRDC after gi<strong>vi</strong>ng himan opportunity of being heard. The work allotted to the tenderer may bewithdrawn <strong>and</strong> given to next lowest tenderer or any other registered contractorcompetent to perform the work on the same rates.6.11.8 Supplementary Estimate: Any development of a project thoughtnecessary while a work is in progress which is not fairly contingent on the properexecution of the work as first sanctioned, must be covered by a supplementaryestimate accompanied by a full report of the circumstances which rendered itnecessary.99

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