From Routledge Journals - Society for Personality Assessment

From Routledge Journals - Society for Personality Assessment

From Routledge Journals - Society for Personality Assessment


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Interpersonal Perception of Pathological Narcissism andInterpersonal Problems, Mark R. Lukowitsky, Aaron L. PincusThe Ability of the MMPI-2-RF to Identify Implausible PTSDClaims in Veteran Populations, Paul A. Arbisi, James B. Hoelzle,Nathaniel W. Nelson, Thad StromExamining the Validity Indices of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF ina Residential Addiction Treatment Sample, Reese Mayer, TonyR. YoungAttempts to Simulate Good Mental Health on the MMPI-2 andthe Rorschach, Ellen HartmannSocially Desirable Responding on the NEO <strong>Personality</strong>Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R): Two Questions, Cole Napper,Tony R. Young, Frank IgouExamining Response Bias on the HEXACO <strong>Personality</strong>Inventory-Revised: Toward Validity Scales, Jeanette Edmonds-Ellis, Tony R. YoungStructure of the Affect in Play Scale (APS) Among ItalianChildren Aged 6-10: A Confirmatory Factor-Analytic Study,Daphne Chessa, Elisa Del Vecchio, Adriana LisEnhancing the Construct Validity of the Affect in Play Scale,Brief Rating (APS-BR): Pretend Play and Creativity, EmotionRegulation, and Executive Functioning, Jessica Dillon, SandraRussValidation of the Affect in Play Scale Preschool Brief RatingVersion (APS-P-BR) in a Study Examining Pretend Aggressionin Play, Aggressive Behavior, and Parenting Style, Karla Fehr,Sandra RussComparison between APS and APS-P in Italian School AgeChildren, Claudia Mazzeschi, Loredana Laghezza, ChristinaMarognaSpecial Considerations When Assessing Individuals of MixedRace, Jonathan SchettinoAssessing Korean-Americans, Dahyun YiWorking with Hispanic Individuals, Lauren Reba-HarrelsonSpirits and Ghosts: Beliefs of Southeast Asian Islanders, NancyKaser-BoydConsidering the Impact of Perceived Ethnic Discrimination inPsychological <strong>Assessment</strong>, J. E. Taylor, Matthew R. BaityAnticipating the <strong>Assessment</strong> Results: “I Think I Might beBorderline,” Diane H. EngelmanWorking with Referring Professionals to Optimize Impact:Challenges in Consultative <strong>Assessment</strong>, Erin JacklinTuning In and Selecting the Right Metaphors, Noriko NakamuraTherapeutic <strong>Assessment</strong> of an Adolescent Boy: Reflecting HisNew Story, Deborah Tharinger, Cynthia Austin, LaurenKrumholtzAll Words are not Created Equal: Communicating Effectively inTherapeutic <strong>Assessment</strong>, J. B. Allyn2010 SCIENTIFIC SESSIONSScreening Rorschach Characteristics of Traumatized Refugees of Multi-Ethnicity Entering Mental Health Treatment in Norway, MarianneOpaas, Ellen HartmannAn Application of the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS) toPsychoanalytic Conceptualization of Dissociative Disorders,Ruth ZeligmanWartegg TestChildhood Abuse, Partner-Violence, and Defense Mechanisms inUrban Women, John H. Porcerelli, Rosemary Cogan, Ray KamooSocial Cognition and Object Relations Scale Ratings of TATNarratives and the <strong>Personality</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Inventory (PAI),Michelle SteinDefense Mechanisms in Borderline, Schizotypal, Antisocial, andNarcissistic <strong>Personality</strong> Disorders, Michelle D. Presniak, J.Christopher Perry, Trevor R. OlsonA Further Exploration of Diversity Issues in <strong>Personality</strong><strong>Assessment</strong>, Steven R. SmithThe Culture of SPA and SPAGS, Pilar Sumalpong, Steven R.SmithEffects of Cultural Adherence Level and Examiner Race on<strong>Personality</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Inventory and the Rorschach InkblotMethod Responding: Are Asian-Americans the “ModelExaminees”? Jenss Chang, Mi Na Park, Whitney Ence, SummerTawalbahEffect of Expected Examiner Ethnicity on Latino Participants’Response Patterns on PAI Validity Scales, Jenss Chang, CarlosM. Grilo, Steven R. SmithHispanic Culture and Socially Desirable Responding, ChristopherJ. Hopwood, Katherine M. Thomas, Aaron Estrada, SusanAmbwani, Jenss Chang, Carlos M. GriloWhat Tests are Acceptable and What Tests are Used: A Surveyof Experts Regarding Personal Injury Evaluations, Stephen J.Lally, Robert H. GordonJuvenile Transfer to Adult Court, the Kent Criteria, and Forensic<strong>Assessment</strong>: Disparities in Legal and Psychological Constructs,Lauren L. FarwellAdjudication and our Diverse Clients: Intersections ofMulticultural Training and Forensic <strong>Assessment</strong> Practice, LaurenL. FarwellIs There a Place <strong>for</strong> Qualitative Interpretation of RorschachResponses in Custody Evaluations?, Alissa Sherry, BrittneyLintonA Validity Study of the MMPI-2-RF <strong>Personality</strong> Disorder Scales,Tony R. Young, Reese Mayer, Jeanette EllisAn Investigation of the Psychometric Validity and TheoreticalAssumptions Used in the Development of Normative Data <strong>for</strong>the MMPI-2-RF, Amber Learn, Ronald StolbergMMPI-2-RF Convergent and Discriminant Validity: Relationshipswith the MCMI-III and 16PF, John N. Roberts, RadhikaKrishnamurthyTo register visit: www.personality.org / 15

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