Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN

Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN

Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN


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VisualizationThe .heprep.zip is the default <strong>for</strong> file output, the .heprep is the default <strong>for</strong> stdout and stderr.(Optional) To set the filename with a particular extension such as: .heprep.zip, .heprep.gz, .heprep,.bheprep.zip, .bheprep.gz or .bheprep use <strong>for</strong> instance:/vis/scene/create filename.bheprep.zip(Optional) To create separate files <strong>for</strong> each event, you can set a suffix such as "-0001" to start writing filesfrom filename-0001.bheprep.zip to filename-9999.bheprep.zip (or up), while "-55-sub" will start write files filename-55-sub.bheprep.zipto filename-99-sub.bheprep.zip (or up)./vis/heprep/setEventNumberSuffix -0001(Note: suffix has to contain at least one digit)(Optional) To route the HepRep XML output to stdout (or stderr), by default uncompressed, use:/vis/scene/create stdout(Optional) To add attributes to each point on a trajectory, use:/vis/heprep/addPointAttributes 1Be aware that this may increase the size of the output dramatically.(Optional) You may use the commands:/vis/viewer/zoom/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi/vis/heprep/setCoordinateSystem uvwto set an initial zoom factorto set an initial view pointto change the coordinate system, where uvwcan be "xyz", "zxy", ...(Optional) You may decide to write .zip files with events and geometry separated (but linked). This results in asmaller zip file, as the geometry is only written once. Use the command:/vis/heprep/appendGeometry false(Optional) To close the file, remove the SceneHandler, use:/vis/sceneHandler/remove scene-handler-0Limitations: Only one SceneHandler can exist at any time, connected to a single Viewer. Since the HepRep <strong>for</strong>matis a model rather than a view this is not a real limitation. In WIRED 4 you can create as many views (SceneHandlers)as you like.Further in<strong>for</strong>mation:• WIRED4 Plugin to the JAS3 Analysis System• FRED event display• HepRep graphics <strong>for</strong>mat:http://www.slac.stan<strong>for</strong>d.edu/~perl/heprep226

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