Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN

Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN

Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers - Geant4 - CERN


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Toolkit Fundamentals3.2.1. Signature of <strong>Geant4</strong> classesIn order to keep an homogeneous naming style, and according to the <strong>Geant4</strong> coding style conventions, eachclass part of the <strong>Geant4</strong> kernel has its name beginning with the prefix G4, e.g., G4VHit, G4GeometryManager,G4ProcessVector, etc. Instead of the raw C types, G4 types are used within the <strong>Geant4</strong> code. For the basic numerictypes (int, float, double, etc.), different compilers and different plat<strong>for</strong>ms provide different value ranges.In order to assure portability, the use of G4int, G4float, G4double, G4bool, globally defined, is preferable. G4types implement the right generic type <strong>for</strong> a given architecture. Basic typesThe basic types in <strong>Geant4</strong> are considered to be the following:• G4int,• G4long,• G4float,• G4double,• G4bool,• G4complex,• G4String.which currently consist of simple typedefs to respective types defined in the CLHEP, STL or system libraries.Most definitions of these basic types come with the inclusion of a single header file, globals.hh. This file alsoprovides inclusion of required system headers, as well as some global utility functions needed and used withinthe <strong>Geant4</strong> kernel. Typedefs to CLHEP classes and their usageThe following classes are typedefs to the corresponding classes of the CLHEP (Computing Library <strong>for</strong> HighEnergy Physics) distribution. For more detailed documentation please refer to the CLHEP reference guide andthe CLHEP user manual .• G4ThreeVector, G4RotationMatrix, G4LorentzVector and G4LorentzRotationVector classes: defining 3-component (x,y,z) vector entities, rotation of such objects as 3x3 matrices, 4-component(x,y,z,t) vector entities and their rotation as 4x4 matrices.• G4Plane3D, G4Trans<strong>for</strong>m3D, G4Normal3D, G4Point3D, and G4Vector3DGeometrical classes: defining geometrical entities and trans<strong>for</strong>mations in 3D space.3.2.2. The HEPRandom module in CLHEPThe HEPRandom module, originally part of the <strong>Geant4</strong> kernel, and now distributed as a module of CLHEP,has been designed and developed starting from the Random class of MC++, the original CLHEP's HepRandommodule and the Rogue Wave approach in the Math.h++ package. For detailed documentation on the HEPRandomclasses see the CLHEP reference guide and the CLHEP user manual .In<strong>for</strong>mation written in this manual is extracted from the original manifesto distributed with the HEPRandompackage.The HEPRandom module consists of classes implementing different random ``engines'' and different random``distributions''. A distribution associated to an engine constitutes a random ``generator''. A distribution class cancollect different algorithms and different calling sequences <strong>for</strong> each method to define distribution parameters orrange-intervals. An engine implements the basic algorithm <strong>for</strong> pseudo-random numbers generation.There are 3 different ways of shooting random values:35

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