6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board

6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board

6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board


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14Chairman thanked Mr Erikisen for his presentation noting how the practicalexperience of the workshop would be beneficial to understanding disability.724.0 Public Comment Cont’d724.1 Mr Joe RodriguesJoe Rodrigues, who has been involved with the health sector for 48 years, reportedresearch by Canterbury University in England showed positive health benefits fromgroup singing for people with dementia, strokes and for the community at large.Linda Cox YMCA New Plymouth implemented a “Singalong” programme one yearago which is showing positive outcomes. Senior Care have imported acomputerised karaoke device for use for people with dementia. The device is onloan to the Riverside Bupa care facility who will monitor and measure thehappiness value.724.2 Te Ara Hikoi Swim GroupTe Ara Hikoi Swim Group (Te Pou Heretanga) provide pool programmes andexercises to help alleviate pain for patients waiting for joints and hip replacements.With the closure of the CCS pool, clarification was sought on public access tohospital hydrotherapy pool.725.0 Minutes of Previous MeetingResolutionThat the Community and Public <strong>Health</strong> Advisory Committee and the DisabilitySupport Advisory Committee resolve to accept the minutes of the meeting held on26 February <strong>2013</strong> as a true record.Tuuta/CattCarried726.0 Management Reports726.1 Maori <strong>Health</strong> ReportChief Advisor took her report as read highlight the following:• Kia Ora Hauora – Te Atiawa ranked amongst the top five iwi registrants on thewebsite along side much larger iwi such as Ngati Porou, Tainui, Tuhoe and TeArawa. Work being done through Whakatipuranga Rima Rau in thesecondary schools has contributed to this ranking.• The Maori <strong>Health</strong> Plan 2012/13 – a full report on Quarter 3 results will bepresented at the joint <strong>Board</strong> and Te Whare Punanga Korero meeting on 21May <strong>2013</strong>. Dedicated Maori <strong>Health</strong> team resource has now been allocated tosupport the provider arm services to accelerate progress with regards to localpriorities Children’s Oral <strong>Health</strong> and SUDI.• Whakatipuranga Rima Rau has 163 year 12 and 13 secondary schoolstudents enrolled this year• Gloria Campbell, Regional Commissioner will replace Mark Poppelwell on theWRR board.• He Ritenga Cultural Audits – a request that the Audit report of Paediatrics andDental <strong>Health</strong> services be circulated to the <strong>Board</strong>.• Te Reo O <strong>Taranaki</strong> an iwi representative body would be providing advice andsupport regarding signage and artwork for the new hospital building.Ms Tuuta did not feel it should be necessary to seek additional funding.CPHAC DSAC 30 April <strong>2013</strong>14

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