6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board

6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board

6 June 2013 (PDF 2.4MB) - Taranaki District Health Board


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72B OS10 Improving the Quality of Data Provided to National CollectionSystems 12/13In terms of the National <strong>Health</strong> Index Duplications, our result has improved from 10.57%(Not Achieved) in the previous quarter. The DHB continues to review performance withMaternity and Emergency Departments, with further improvement expected in the nextquarter. Still awaiting addition of late coded February data and once this is completed, itis anticipated that our result will exceed 97%.PB OS3 Inpatient Length of Stay 12/13The Ministry noted that it is pleased to see continued improvement in performance, andacknowledges the DHBs planned initiatives to improve performance which includes:• The use of delay codes• A weekly meeting to review patients with LOS that are above the highboundary point to ensure there is a good management plan in place.• The rolled-out internal measures such as ‘100% of patients to have an EDD’so that the MDT can work towards a shared goal for discharge.PRapid Rounds continue to provide a daily focus for the discussion of discharge plans forpatients, and these are in the process of being implemented across all inpatient wards.B OS5 Theatre Productivity 12/13<strong>Taranaki</strong> DHB continues to review utilisation at the specialty level in its endeavours toreach target with ongoing discussions and monitoring of theatre utilisation to providerationale for the 4 th Quarter as to why utilisation is only incrementally improving. Changeshave been made around the utilisation and resourcing of the gynaecology lists and thesehave resulted in improved efficiency from 65% in Q1 to 72% in Q2.PB OS6 Elective and Arranged Day Surgery 12/13Whilst the overall percentage day case surgery has decreased in Quarter 3, detailedanalysis shows some improvement in previously problematic Diagnostic Related Groups(DRGs). Of note, procedures that are more frequently performed are mainly showingimprovement in day case rates The total variance days across the top 20 problematicDRGs has reduced by 19 demonstrating that focused efforts around previously reportedunderperforming DRGs are paying off. In addition, five procedures reported as in the top 20most problematic in Quarter 1 now no longer appear.PTo improve performance over the next quarters, detailed information on the top five DRGswill be provided to TDHBs ENT and General Surgeons. Changing the performance ofthese five DRGs alone will lead to improved overall performance.B PP13 Improving the Number of Children Enrolled in DHB Funded DentalServices 12/13This result is only Partially Achieved due to a lack of arrears rates by ‘Maori, Pacific andOther Population Groups’ being provided to the Ministry. It is anticipated that Quarter 4will see this target as achieved.P72

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